Monday, May 11, 2009

plot thickens

Malcom was walking through the dark corridors to the big suited man. Sure he was the head physician at the hospital but he hated talking to the CDC officials. Though sometimes their methods were necessary.

Plopping several folders onto the pudgy man's desk "Sir he's been under quaruntine for 48 hours. Evidently all night his body has been messing with the fields around it. We haven't a clue what is going on."

"I do..."


"no one must know about this, not even the president."


"Malcom, an outbraek of this type hasn't happened since- needless to say its big, and could change the world as we know it-the president needs plausible deniability on this one. Malcom, he can't know." Malcom nodded, he'd gone through this process once before. The pudgy man changing the subject "have you figured out what does this to him."

Malcom: "well were looking for the original source."

"his boy?"


Malcom, continuing not wanting to think what must happen "this contaminate is a composition of of self replicating proteins. Much like mad cow disease, though not harmful it seems to revamp the cells system giving it an over haul, making it more than twice as affective. Clearing the entire system of free-radicals causing super healing, mineral absorption-"

Holding up a hand "whats it all mean?"

"fountain of youth mixed with Captain America serum, Sir" seeing the puzzled look on the man. "you have the perfect soldier."

"then what of the trimmers."

"Sir thats something else all together, were not even sure if we can duplicate it."

"duplicate the protein, see if you can cancel the affect of the Trimmers. Test it on project DRI"

Malcom"DRI Sir?"

"Death Row Inmates. Thanks for voluntering for the tranfer." seeing the pause in Malcom's face over what just happened.

"it's not that bad, Malcom, you'll bearly notice a change at all" he then smirked underneath his mustach e"get me the original host and" looking through the one way glass looking at the highly bored Victor neglecting the TV and just looking out he window. "make him promise not to eat pancakes."


"Trust me; if he can eat them implant the detonation chip, if not I have a different surgery I need you to do." the pudgy man then stood up and handed Malcom some folders of his own. "good luck."


Well nothing seemed to go bad the rest of the day. The only damage done to Jerry was his broken feemer. Though that was fairly easy to cast and set that day. It was almost as if something was out to get him.

Though John went to school like normal and squeeled to Rain (over the phone or before school)that he was special too.

"that's all you can do?"

"Well I know its nothing like ripping off roofs like tissue wrapper but I was totally saving my uncle all over the place last night. Dude! We can be like a super hero team or something!"

Johny saw some worry on Rain's face. "come on, why can't you be happy for me?"

(ps I was planning since he was mist and his whole theme was secrecy that he couldn't be detected by other Power users or most devices.)


  1. well power users, at least the ones that exist now, can't sense each other either so that works, most devices? sure i guess it's too bad both sides know about him already eh?

  2. ture but if he goes into hideing they can't detect him specialy.

    also Victors powers cant have influence in really bright places.

    also is secritary landon MB Sun or Rain?

  3. secretary Landon is MB. I like it. It makes him invisible :)


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