Friday, May 15, 2009


"Alright guys, since it's Sunday I will try to keep this brief. Since MB's daughter is in the hospital I am in charge for a few days. She got stung by a bee, who apparently is one of you. Don't laugh, this is serious. Ridiculous, but serious. The bee that stung her is not on our side, she's a cheerleader from Brian's school named Brindee. Mostly harmless, unless you are allergic to bees. The doctors have been pumping medication into Rain for the last 24 hours and just as she seems to be getting better, the bee poison comes back into her system somehow. She's not in critical condition yet, but, Allison we may need you."

"Me? Why me?"

"In case you hadn't noticed, you never have any scratches or bruises on you and you are constantly running into things. Anyway, that's your new mission. Good work getting information on that kid Jared. He told Brian and Kim he's on our side, and has already recruited another member for our team."

"Where are they? How come they aren't at this meeting?" Marty mumbled.

"Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, Marty. Our opposing team consists of 3 members so far." Mike laid three folders on the table containing pictures and information on the three kids, "Alex appears to be the leader. He is highly dangerous and should never be approached alone. We need to take him in before he gets more reinforcements. Right now, he seems to be focusing his efforts on two people, Jared and Jessica, the president's daughter. We need to keep them on our side no matter what!"

"So, who's the other kid Jared recruited?" Brian asked.

"Funny you should ask, I think you should need to see him for yourself. Let's just say this kid is a lot younger than the rest of you. Oh, and before I forget, the local police are trying to get in our way. They've got Mr. Taber in captivity. I am not sure why, but we need to find his son before they do. Got it everyone? I'm not giving anyone anything specific to do except Allison. The rest of you are all going to focus your energy on finding Johnson, Jared, and Alex and bringing them to head quarters. For some reason we keep losing them from our radar."

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