Sunday, May 24, 2009

At the White House

(right before Jessica's speech)
"How did you manage to lose the whole team?!" the president shouted at Mike and MB. "I figured with three adults this wasn't going to happen. I figured we'd lose one or two, sure, but not ALL OF THEM! And where did Agent Grayson disappear too!"

"I realize this isn't ideal, but don't lose all hope. We've still got a few on the map. All we've got to do it track them down and convince them to join our team." Mike suggested.

"And what if they refuse? What if they try to kill you? How will you defend yourselves?" the president was getting hotter by the minute.

"I have an idea," MB interjected, "there is still one child in our custody, sir. Your daughter. She will be loyal to you. I can almost guarantee it."

"Almost isn't good enough. You better be right about this, Landon. Or the two of you will be stripped of your badges and all the privileges that go with it. Understood?"

"Yes sir." they both muttered.

"Now, come on, before we miss my little pumpkin's speech."


  1. Kim is with Jared still, lemme fix it

  2. ok, I was not sure where she was. my other post is in the future some time

  3. yeah the other one would be like a couple hours past this one


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