Sunday, May 3, 2009

Learning a little more about Magic

Marco whispered in his ear, "bummer dude"

Babe? Victor bit his lower lip. and suspended. this is just perfect! looking over to Mrs. Landon for some parental repercussions, then he remembered. she gave her daughter cookies and was having a pleasant conversation.

Though that may have been just because I was there... the worse part was if he broke the two up. They'd just want each other all the more, and if he did anything like he wanted to right now Mrs. Landon would be sure to put in her two dimes! in. It was not helping that his cousin was trying to take custody.

"Johnson, be at home at 4:00 would you." (the time right now being 2:30, they let out early for teacher conferences. either way about an hour and a half.)

Not to mention if his cousin thought it was too strict, I'd just be over ridden. Being a unified family was not working. Maybe it would just be better if... Victor was rolling it around in his head as he was finally able to sleep.

~I wont rest till I find my son: completed~

Marco: "Oh crap!" Mrs. Landon looked over. Marco seeing Victor's fallen body on the floor and tried to using him as a vessel (possessing him). "I mean. football injury!... well got to go." dragging his feet. (trying to walk, as it had been awhile since he had a body.) flopping Victor's arm around Marco made him wave good bye.

Then looking back Marco saw that she was continuing to watch. "Dude the cookies were awesome!" grabbing the extra one(cookie) Victor had given him previously. He stabbed it into the side of his face repeatedly. "Mm-es muy good. See I'm eating."
Marco just gave up trying to bluff and ran off into the darkness.

Marco: "K, well my objective. To get inebriated. Where's a pub."

(possessing Victor, Marco will lose energy then dissipate (and leave Victor's body), that is till he's able to recharge from the night. Then just as he promised he "won't stop haunting Victor till he smokes a dukie".)

Irony: Victor's promise "uphold the law of the land" as a cop. He can't smoke this means there's only one option

Muahahahahaah! let the haunting begin!

(looks like Victor is going to have a really hard time getting rid of Marco)


  1. i have two problems with this post, one the eclipse was on Monday, I made that very clear and technically it was at 1 pm ish if you read the comments i made.

    two, marco has no magic and thus his word is meaningless and has no holding or releasing power according to his(marco's) word.

    Oh and the keeping your word thing only applies to things done or said after the eclipse

  2. he told Marco that he up holds the law of the land.
    I explained if the time didn't work out as that an hour and a half was the time he wanted Jonson to have till he had to come home.
    I was thinking all supernatural things might have it. if that doesn't light your fire then Marco will hang around him because he has nothing better to do.

  3. yeah it doesn't, anyways marco could want it anyways being a poltergeist aka a trickster and could try and make officer Taber break the law until he, victor, can figure out how to get rid of him, marco

    but yeah i caught the thing with the post not working on the previous post i guess you didnt notice it?

  4. I don't know how it "doesn't work" so you guys can fix it. I made Marco possess him, because I don't think a spirit can move anyone unless they do that or are very powerful. I gave Luke admin privileges so he can change posts and stuff. If you want to add a music player, go to "Layout" and "add gadget"

  5. oh no no, i meant it does flow with the other posts so well but evidently that was just me

    to clarify i should say that Marco would have some powers, but not the universe bending to his will bit, he could possess someone or perhaps use minor telekinesis and stuff that ghosts normally have

  6. err, meant to say "does not flow" at the top of the last one


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