Monday, May 25, 2009


(Time is changed from my comment.)

It was nine o'clock and the press conference was about to begin, my father thought I was making a speech to help his reelection, but Alex had sent my a note reminding me if I didn't do this I'd lose my powers and any chance of revenge against him.

I took a deep breath and walked out into the room. I waved to the cameras, I'd become used to them during the past four years and felt quite at home, I'd have been at ease if I wasn't betraying my father. I stepped up to the podium and waited for the applause to settle down.

"My fellow citizens, I come before you tonight in horror and shock over some things I've witnessed over the past few days. Such things that I could no longer remain quiet even though my father was the one responsible for the things I saw." I took a slight pause and then continued, "The things I am speaking of are in these photographs taken by some friends of mine of American citizens being held in cells that would make hardened felons flinch.

I held up several pictures of captured magic users. I proceeded, "They were held and some still are being held in these cells, without charges and without trial. Some are barely being given enough to stay alive. I wouldn't expect anyone to believe me, unless of course I had one of the prisoners with me. He came to me with this information and told me there were more. I know this young man has a criminal record but I went and saw this facility myself." I turned back to the back, "Come out here Mathis." I started clapping and the others followed.

Mathis walked out, he'd been skillfully dressed in worn clothes and had not eaten anything that entire day to fit the role better. He stumbled weakly unto the stage and awes rose from the audience.

He walked up to the microphone, "I feel incredibly used and hurt by this set of events, I haven't done any criminal acts for several months and they came and took me and threw me into that dungeon, if you can call it that good. I..." He looked away, tears flooding his eyes.

It sickened me but I put an arm around him and comforted him, "Tell them who visited you."

He was sobbing and he barely made out the words, "The president."

"And what did he tell you?" I asked him.

"He told me I was going to rot in their until he felt like releasing me," He said with equally overacted sadness.

"And did he let you go?"

He shook his head, "One of the guards had pity on me and left my cell unlocked while no one was looking."

"Thank you Mathis, that is all," I pushed him gently towards the door. "You see my father had direct knowledge of what was happening down there."

A reporter raised his hand and asked, after I pointed at him, "Why are you telling us this?"

"I thought the public should know what evil he is authorizing," I stepped away. "That is all." I walked out and hurried to somewhere I could be alone and began to weep and sob.

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