We landed by an isolated home and crept into an open window around back. While Jared pursued the woman's captors, I decided I would look for that baby. How hard could it be to find a baby? I heard shots fire and quickly ducked behind a wall. I heard Jared yell something and then a thud, I sunk to the floor a little overwhelmed by the turn of events.
I heard a little whimper coming from under the table. I quickly crawled over to investigate. Once under, I was immediately attacked by a wet face and little arms. I looked down and saw two big green eyes glistening with tears. "Shh, it's alright, I will protect you." I whispered. The little girl snuggled closer as I pulled her out from under the table and stood up. "I need you to do your trick again, ok?" She just nodded and then was gone.
I looked around and then stealthily made my way to the door, trying not to draw attention to myself. I peeked out the crack of the door and saw a half dozen men aiming their weapons at the house. I had to think quickly, because I didn't want the little one to get too tired. I looked around until I spotted a sprinkler that had been left on just enough to make a little puddle in the center of the yellow yard.
I focussed all my energy and it began to rain. The guards were unmoved, so I concentrated harder. Suddenly there was a thick mist rising from the ground. I had to move quickly before I fainted or worse, the baby did. I told her to stop being invisible as we made our way through the yard. Just as we had crossed the road and entered a field of tall corn the mist cleared.
I kept running, Jared would figure it out eventually. He was smart like that. After running a couple of miles I remembered the button he had given me in the hospital. I still had it tucked away in my pocket. Just as I was about to push the button I ran into something hard.
The sky and field faded as Sterling's ship came into view. The door was opened and my dad was waiting there with open arms. He was very surprised that I handed him a baby. Once inside, Sterling cloaked again and we waited for Jared and his friend to arrive.
"Sorry about making you run into it and all, I didn't see you until it was too late."
I just fuzzed his hair and teased, "I'll let it slide this time, but next time--!" We laughed a little until we saw Jared approaching fast. This time Sterling opened the door so that Jared could run inside and we wouldn't be seen. Once everyone was in, Sterling told us to hang on and shot up into the sky.
The men on the ground were looking around very confused trying to figure out where they had disappeared to because the footprints just stopped.
hehe you caught my hint, btw the girl is seventeen and the baby is about a year