I left Mike in Sterling's care while I took a break and walked the building. I found Kindra and played with her for about an hour when she told me I had to leave. I bid my little girl farewell as I tucked her in bed and left the building, alone. I got in my car and took a ride downtown to the office building that housed our enemies.
I looked different than I had before, my more advanced powers gave me the ability to change my genetic makeup, it was a more complete shape shifting than Edmund could do. I wanted to be subtle. I walked into the building and people were saluted me as I negotiated the passageways.
"Alex," Someone said as they came closer. "Shouldn't you be at that meeting?"
I shrugged, "Probably."
I ignored any further comments and kept walking. I finally found the door and stepped inside. The girl was curled up in a corner of the room and looked in my general direction when I stepped inside.
"I don't have much time," I said.
"What do you want this time," She said defiantly, I'll never help you with what you want."
I returned to my natural form, "I'm not who you thought I was."
"How could your magic block me from seeing the real you?" She was astonished. "I've never seen you before."
I nodded, "I've been keeping you from seeing me, because I didn't want you to tell them what you would see. If you desire to come with me, I can get you out of here. Otherwise they will torment you until the end of this base and you will die in the destruction of it."
I lowered the force field that surrounded my body and let her see all the things surrounding my life.
She gasped, "Oh my, you are..." She couldn't seem to manage finding the right word. "You are the destroying angel."
I grinned, "But at least I'm still an angel. Come on," I offered my hand, "After I sensed what was happening here I couldn't leave you."
"What about the others?" She asked, as if she could not see them.
"The time will soon be upon them to be made free like their brothers and sisters," I said. "Are you coming or not?"
She hesitated, but after a short pause she nodded and said, "I'll come."
I took her by the hand and led her out the door of the room we were being kept in. There were some guards in the hall. They saw me and yelled for backup.
I turned to the girl, "Time for plan B."
The walls were made out of metal, anything less and the prisoners could simply smash through it and easily avoid capture while escaping. I let go of Samantha's hand while I formed a large chuck of metal into a large rifle attached to my right hand.
One of the guards swore, "He's ascended. He's ascended!"
They raised their weapons to fire but I fired first, the kick knocked me back a few feet and the energy slammed into one of them and exploded, leaving a large hole in the floor beneath them and severely damaging the walls and ceiling. The air would be too charged for the others to escape yet but that was alright, I doubted I could get them all out safely anyways.
More guards came around the corner and started firing at us. I grabbed her and dove back into the room. I slammed the door shut with my magic and replaced the missing metal in the wall with the metal in the opposite wall. We traveled from room to room this way for some time before we reached the outside.
"Are you okay?" I asked as I helped her into my car.
She was about to reply but instead she screamed, "Look out!"
I ducked and barely dodged a large chuck of concrete that had been thrown at me by my unseen enemy, even though I knew who it was.
"Alex?" I asked. "Come out here, unless you are scared of my little toy."
He stepped out from behind the corner of the building, "I'm not scared of that little thing."
"Why are you trying to kill me?" I smirked. I laughed outright as I sensed something inside him, "Oh my. You're my..." I laughed some more.
"You're what?" He was angry as I didn't answer.
"We really should be working together Alex," I said as I put the gun down in the back seat and got in.
"You think I'm just going to let you walk away again?" He challenged.
"Family feuds are oh so destruction, brother," I grinned. "I'll be sure to let your niece know Uncle Alex is safe and sound, daddy left him alive."
Alex stared blankly at me as I drove away.
"My name is Jared by the way," I told her.
"Samantha," She said. "Why did you tell him you have a child?"
I laughed, "They have a lower chance of catching her than they do me. She can sense anyone, anywhere and what powers they have. That's how I knew to come find you, she told me you were in trouble."
She didn't speak the rest of the trip back.
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