Saturday, June 13, 2009


I brushed past his comment on pizza. "If the people my ancestors came from would annihilate an entire species as well as all the other life on this planet based on the actions of a small group among them, " I stood and faced Sterling. "Then I'm not a member on that people."

"Orders are orders," Sterling backed up slightly. "The other choice is you come back with me."

"Damn your orders," I slammed my fist into the wall next to my computer. "You never have to obey an order that is unlawful or that is not good. Those are both."

"Then what are you going to do to fix this?" He asked.

"I'm going to master my powers, that's what." I knew he would have no idea what that meant. "Once that's done, this will not be such a slaughter once the war starts."

"What do you mean?" Sterling seemed confused. "War has started, they are after you everywhere."

I laughed, "They are after our powers. Once they realize that is futile they will resort to more extreme measures and that is when war begins. Every death, every voice silenced, we'll all feel it. Leave me Sterling I have to fix this before Kimberly dies, I only have a few more hours."

I was staring at the screen when I saw the connection, the solution was so simple, so profound. The blood she'd been given from Ivar was incomplete, she needed my blood to correct the error, at least my blood that had been slightly modified.

I called her back in and gave her the shot, "Rest now. You'll be fine in the morning." I crossed the room and prepared to leave.

"Thank you."

I nodded at her and walked out.


  1. i'll do the next post too, just need to work out the idea in my head

  2. ok, I was a little confused when you said Sterling didn't know what he was talking about. Sterling doesn't agree with his orders either. He doesn't really want to return home, or blow up earth. And since he's been observing everyone since they were born (most likely) via satellite it's most likely he knows what is going on, and has probably already perfected his powers to where he can hear their thoughts.

  3. yeah, jared has been imbued with the knowledge of their forefathers, something that no one else was able to get, Jared knows vividly what it's like

    basically i'm making it to be when one of them dies the rest can feel it and it drains them emotionally

    and jared overreacted because he has a lot on his mind, basically he wasn't really paying attention to sterlings feelings, oh and it normally takes decades to master one's powers, thats why they had to build jared specifically to get them faster

  4. hopefully none of that came out harshly, it wasn't meant to

  5. ok, but he can probably still hear their thoughts. he may have the maturity of a 12 year old but he has the mentality of a 400 year old :)
    by the way, it didn't seem harsh at all


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