In an observation room somewhere in DC there are two scientists trying to prove there is life on other planets before their lab gets shut down and all their research destroyed.
"Look at that! A comet in the middle of the city!"
"We need to warn the masses!"
They run off to tell the media.
--Meanwhile on the comet which is actually a machine--
"Oh why would they send someone as young as I am on such a dangerous mission?!"
A Young boy who looked about 12 is steering his ship and having a hard time keeping from losing control. His red and silver ship blazed through the sky at super sonic speed. As it neared the building Daila and the others were on it began to slow. A crowd had gathered below and Alex's posse were on top of the next building. Everyone in the crowd was unaware of the fight about to break, but had seen the comet and wanted to get a closer look. These people obviously weren't aware of the danger in being so close to a comet.
As the ship came to a halt and landed building it transformed into some kind of robot looking thing. The boy realized he was being watched just as Jared and Rain entered the scene. They stood at his feet and just looked up in unbelief.
With a low voice the robot said "I come in peace." sounding a little unsure. "I seek the one named Jared and, uh, anyone who's with him."
A bunch of people from the crowd jumped up and started yelling, "I'm Jared! Let me come with you!" The robot looked around and shook his head. Then he felt a tap on his foot. He looked down to see a girl pointing at the boy next to her. The robot nodded. he fits the description.
A trapdoor opened in his left shin and the robot silently bid them in. With a little hesitation, Rain and the others climbed in. Jared stood there undecided for a second but decided he better join them before Alex's posse could get in.
Once inside, The robot shot into the sky and turned back into an aircraft and flew off out of sight from the crowd. Everyone ooed and awed and tried to take pictures. The scientists arrived just as they flew off, unable to prove that they were aliens.
--inside the aircraft--
"Sorry guys, I wasn't expecting so many spectators." They were flying so high it looked like it was night time. "So where to, Jared?" Everyone just looked at him blankly. "Oh, of course! You're wondering who I am. Well, my name is unpronounceable to humans so you can call me Sterling. We got your father's hail and they sent me straight away. Sorry it took so long, our planet it kind of far away. Even traveling faster than the speed of light it took me a couple hundred years to get here. Where is your father now? Did he survive the war?"

kind of cool