Friday, July 31, 2009


A week ago I had seen Jared, he told me the time had not yet come but that he would soon contact me and tell me where to go to find Kindra. He hadn't quite been making sense when he said that but given the circumstances I don't find it very surprising. He'd made me leave in the middle of the night.

I put my head down and drifted off to sleep. I sat up abruptly, unsure of my state of wakefulness I called out for Jared.

"I'm here Rachel," I saw him and knew it was a dream, like before. "Follow me back to the place they keep her."

"Wait Jared," He disappeared very quickly, they must have a more effective means of blocking him, probably telepaths. I reached out and found his location, but the process revealed mine and I woke to a bright, shining light.

I stared in unbelief, "Raymond? You're dead."

"It seems the dead are not too far a reach for my master," He put his hand out to me. "Join me with him and we can rule the planets under his command."

"No!" I yelled at him. "I've seen what future that holds for us. He will kill all who oppose him Raymond."

"That's why is has given me the privilege of offering to let you join us," Raymond explained. "He is willing to forgive you past choices and let you come with us."

"What about Jared?" I asked. "Will he give him the same clemency?"

Raymond dropped his head and shook it slightly, "Jared will never accept this path."

I raised my chin and glowered at him, "I'll never abandon him. So strike me down then Raymond and prove yourself to your master."

He steeled his face and the beams of light focused in on me and sliced through the image. I sighed and appeared nearby.

"You are no longer my brother then," I lamented. "I'm sorry I had to abandon you Raymond but I would rather you die than live a slave to that creature."

"You can't defeat my light Rachel, you never could!" He brought the light to bare on me and disappeared and reappeared behind him.

"Don't you understand it yet?" I taunted. "All your light does is disperse me and let me take form elsewhere."

"Light can go in all directions!" He yelled. The light spread in all directions and my powers reached a new level. The light simply made me a shadow against the walls and ground.

It was an amazing well defined, perfect outline of me. I walked towards him even with his light focused fully on me it had no effect.

"How are you doing that?" He panicked.

"Where you shine the brightest light you reveal the darkest shadow," I said calmly. The shadows began climbing his body and choking him. "Your powers were never a match for me, I just didn't understand how they worked. Now die brother."

"How callous of you to off your brother so quickly," It was a deep voice.

I turned and looked, "Deothanos, nice to finally meet you."

"And you my dear," He smiled. I lost my grip that was choking Raymond and he ran over to his master.

"I'm sorry master," Raymond said. "I failed you."

Deothanos patted him on the head like you would a pet, "Have no fear my child. You slowed her escape and let me find her."

I laughed out loud, "Do you really think you have me in your grasp? You don't even know where I am. I can manipulate the shadows. You think that shadow you're looking at is the real me? The only person who can fight me is powerless before me and you think you have me in your evil clutches? I laugh at your foolishness."

He slammed his hand into the ground and I felt the mental vibration before it actually got to me. I jumped far away to a shadow that was out of range of the attack. So maybe he did have me in his clutches more than I had thought. No matter I know where to find Jared and Kindra. It would all be over soon.

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