A week ago I had seen Jared, he told me the time had not yet come but that he would soon contact me and tell me where to go to find Kindra. He hadn't quite been making sense when he said that but given the circumstances I don't find it very surprising. He'd made me leave in the middle of the night.
I put my head down and drifted off to sleep. I sat up abruptly, unsure of my state of wakefulness I called out for Jared.
"I'm here Rachel," I saw him and knew it was a dream, like before. "Follow me back to the place they keep her."
"Wait Jared," He disappeared very quickly, they must have a more effective means of blocking him, probably telepaths. I reached out and found his location, but the process revealed mine and I woke to a bright, shining light.
I stared in unbelief, "Raymond? You're dead."
"It seems the dead are not too far a reach for my master," He put his hand out to me. "Join me with him and we can rule the planets under his command."
"No!" I yelled at him. "I've seen what future that holds for us. He will kill all who oppose him Raymond."
"That's why is has given me the privilege of offering to let you join us," Raymond explained. "He is willing to forgive you past choices and let you come with us."
"What about Jared?" I asked. "Will he give him the same clemency?"
Raymond dropped his head and shook it slightly, "Jared will never accept this path."
I raised my chin and glowered at him, "I'll never abandon him. So strike me down then Raymond and prove yourself to your master."
He steeled his face and the beams of light focused in on me and sliced through the image. I sighed and appeared nearby.
"You are no longer my brother then," I lamented. "I'm sorry I had to abandon you Raymond but I would rather you die than live a slave to that creature."
"You can't defeat my light Rachel, you never could!" He brought the light to bare on me and disappeared and reappeared behind him.
"Don't you understand it yet?" I taunted. "All your light does is disperse me and let me take form elsewhere."
"Light can go in all directions!" He yelled. The light spread in all directions and my powers reached a new level. The light simply made me a shadow against the walls and ground.
It was an amazing well defined, perfect outline of me. I walked towards him even with his light focused fully on me it had no effect.
"How are you doing that?" He panicked.
"Where you shine the brightest light you reveal the darkest shadow," I said calmly. The shadows began climbing his body and choking him. "Your powers were never a match for me, I just didn't understand how they worked. Now die brother."
"How callous of you to off your brother so quickly," It was a deep voice.
I turned and looked, "Deothanos, nice to finally meet you."
"And you my dear," He smiled. I lost my grip that was choking Raymond and he ran over to his master.
"I'm sorry master," Raymond said. "I failed you."
Deothanos patted him on the head like you would a pet, "Have no fear my child. You slowed her escape and let me find her."
I laughed out loud, "Do you really think you have me in your grasp? You don't even know where I am. I can manipulate the shadows. You think that shadow you're looking at is the real me? The only person who can fight me is powerless before me and you think you have me in your evil clutches? I laugh at your foolishness."
He slammed his hand into the ground and I felt the mental vibration before it actually got to me. I jumped far away to a shadow that was out of range of the attack. So maybe he did have me in his clutches more than I had thought. No matter I know where to find Jared and Kindra. It would all be over soon.
Friday, July 31, 2009

Chaos had ensued, and MB seemed to be unconscious. Victor's mind seemed jumbled as if not sure if the information that had been downloaded into his head was authentic or carefully planned propaganda.
The girl was dragged away, feisty as ever. Victor put the large pink teddy bear he was going to give the girl on the toppled desk.
"MB, you OK?" Victor asked as he helped his lug of a partner off the floor.
"That Girl is going to get it!" MB's voice lathered with hatred.
Victor replied as if he didn't hear that last part. "you're right MB she's been Acting increasingly aggressive and irrational." then reflected internally, "possibly the next evolution our nature we'll all act like that... monsters."
"Victor, she's a teenager and like all teenagers they need to be taught discipline."
"you're right MB, her body and mind are probably going wacko...but you don't think Alex would ever let himself be killed by the CDC do you?"
"that's a bit of a shift, what did that girl do to you?"
"well..." Victor looked a little miffed as the whole experience seemed to only appeal to his emotional side, nothing that made logical sense. The government wouldn't kill its citizens and Alex's survival instinct was too high to be on a sinking boat for long. But still.
MB seeing his internal conflict. "no I wouldn't trust the CDC as far as I could throw 'em and I like Alex about as much as a box of cobras, and you like-" MB turned away realizing the affects of what may happen if he said the last thing that came to his mind.
Victor looked hurt, as if to say even all this time and you still don't trust me.
Barging into the room Alex broke up the conversation. "whats going on here, what happened."
"she gave me a message the CDC is going to kill all the magic users even you."
Alex looked a little stunned. "regardless" he was mulling over the prospect in his mind. but to give himself some time to think. "you didn't tell her that you caught Jared did you?"
Victor and MB in unison "no not yet"
Alex "good" Alex patted Victor on the shoulder, it twinged in phantom pain. The battle of Jared actually would have paralyzed him for life and killed MB twice over if not for Alison, the healer.
Alex "oh and that crater of a town we found Jarid at, the cover up is a broken dam. don't forget." looking back at Victor then walking out with the teddy bear."I've got something to check out."
By my counting they'd had me in this prison for close to a year now. Six months, they'd given me six months in solitary for throwing Alex in the pit. I just wish I'd thought of slamming Alex head first into the ground faster than I had, he'd be the one dead now. The door opened slowly and a couple guards walked in with weapons on me. They were good, they had modified the pistols into rifles, shotguns and even grenades now, though the grenades were lethal from a single blast. The shotguns were only good at close range, excellent for quelling riots.
A third guard walked in and around me.
"Hello boys, is it time to go already?" I smirked. The light wasn't shining on me quite yet. "I was getting used to the alone time to meditate on my powers."
"Alex wants you to know that is the only reason he isn't going to keep you locked up forever," The guard behind me answered and he pushed me forward. "Move, don't give me the privilege of shooting you. I'd make sure I shot twice."
My smirk changed to a grin as I walked out into the guard filled hall and they were all shocked. The little girl they had put in there didn't walk out. I was easily in my teens, perhaps fifteen or sixteen. I'd been making myself older on purpose, some of my father's powers had worn off on me.
They led me into Sector A once more and pushed me into the middle. The floor went quiet as I walked over and got my food and walked over to my usual table. People were sitting there.
"Move," I commanded. "This is my table, just because I've been gone for six months doesn't give you riffraff permission to sit here."
One of them stood up and turned around, "Listen..." He stopped when he saw my eyes. I had the look of a predator ready to kill. He continued, "Look around sister, do you see anywhere else to sit?"
I didn't look around before answering him. I grabbed him by the arm, flipped him around and slammed him into the table. I whispered in his ear, "Does it look to you like I care?"
The others at the table stood up and a fight began, me against at least ten others, doesn't quite sound fair. I guess I'll go easy on them. Prison time had changed my attitude a lot, then again I did what I had to do to survive. I'm not saying I'm proud of what I did, but I did it nonetheless.
They came at me like professionals, at robbing norms. They didn't expect the speed at which I countered them. I broke an arm and three ribs in a few seconds and two of them were down. A few moments later and five were down. The others gathered their buddies and left. I did all that without spilling one drop of food from my plate. I cleared the table and sat down.
*On the top floor*
"We need to get her out of there," One of them insisted. "She'll kill them."
"Exactly," The other replied. "The new toxin poisons even the new breed and has made this prison overflowing. We don't have enough room to fit them all and we have several such facilities. If she kills them we don't get in any trouble. What's Victor going to say? Or Alex?"
The first man smirked, "Good point."
*Back to Kindra*
Zach sat down across from me and said, "I thought they'd killed you, or worse."
"Good guess?" I passed by his knowing who I was again and smirked. "If they kill me, my father will know and my mother."
"You mean Rachel right?" He asked. "Cause that other one is down here all the time quelling the big riots. She's amazing."
"But she chose to betray us," I looked down. "Willingly." I glanced up and saw Victor coming down. I smirked at Zach, "Looks like it's interrogation time again. One question before I go, were you one of us from before or part of the new group?"
"From the beginning," He shrugged. "For some reason I am resistant to Alex's mind games and he can't manipulate me like he can some of the others."
I smiled and then turned as I heard Victor call my name and look around for me.
"I'm right here," I shook my head. "Not what you were expecting? Too bad. How about you come down here and I'll show you why I was in solitary for six months. Let's go."
Victor looked at me funny but the prisoners all moved and formed a line for me to walk straight to him and I did.
"Sorry just an interrogation, besides you'd probably kill me," He looked uneasy. "That and they are getting you new clothes."
They had given my new clothes when I'd gone into solitary but I'd grown so much I'd had to tear them and they barely covered me still and not close to modestly. He led me down a hall and towards the interrogation area. I saw Samantha and she bumped into me and I quickly read what I needed. A moment a person ran up with clothes and handed them to me.
I wanted to thank her but I had to keep the facade and I just gave the lady a stern look. I entered a bathroom and changed and then went into the interrogation room. Alex was not present.
"Where is the dog keeper?" I asked. "Two dogs but no keeper? That's strange."
MB punched me across the face, "Shut up. We didn't bring you in here for you to give us lip."
"Did you want me to give you more than you can handle traitor?" I replied. "Not you Victor you were tricked. Why do you still work for them MB? They have broken their agreement with you. How do I know? I'm good like that."
He hit me again, "Shut up I said, we are here to question you!"
"Hit me again and you'll find out why I was put in solitary," I growled at him. My eyes challenged him but he was undaunted.
He stood up and hit me harder than he had previously. The blow knocked me across the room. My eyes teared up, not with pain but with the knowledge of what I was about to have to do. I jumped up and broke the only camera in the room. MB charged me, I side stepped and slammed him face first into the wall. I heard the crunch as his nose broke and he fell limply to the ground.
Victor looked clueless. I grabbed the table and pushed it against the door and braced it.
"Victor I have to tell you something," I grunted as the door was being forced open.
He stood up and walked closer.
"They are lying to you Victor, they plan on killing all of us," I said. "Open you mind and I'll show you what I mean."
He looked unsure but they door was nearly open. I dove and placed my hand on his head.
Death and destruction surrounded us. Men and women being gunned down by people wearing CDC uniforms.
Victor stared in disbelief, "This can't be. You can't see the future."
"Did you forget who I bumped into in the hall?" I asked him. "She can."
He then saw something horrifying and he had to look away.
"This is the path you are on now Victor," I said. "They are planning on killing your son and you, no matter what you do to help them."
"I can't go against them," He shook his head. "I can't I'll lose my powers."
"You can follow their rules without obeying their orders," I instructed. "The most basic guideline you most certainly agree with."
The vision began to fade as my strength waned.
"Police the magic users as we do ourselves. That is the oldest rule they have and the basis for their organization. Follow that and you need not break your word while you follow your own path, the path unwritten."
I couldn't hold it any longer and I jumped away from him and tried to fight the guards and make it look like an escape attempt. They threw me back in my cell in Sector A and locked me in. I sighed, well I told him he can choose for himself now.
A third guard walked in and around me.
"Hello boys, is it time to go already?" I smirked. The light wasn't shining on me quite yet. "I was getting used to the alone time to meditate on my powers."
"Alex wants you to know that is the only reason he isn't going to keep you locked up forever," The guard behind me answered and he pushed me forward. "Move, don't give me the privilege of shooting you. I'd make sure I shot twice."
My smirk changed to a grin as I walked out into the guard filled hall and they were all shocked. The little girl they had put in there didn't walk out. I was easily in my teens, perhaps fifteen or sixteen. I'd been making myself older on purpose, some of my father's powers had worn off on me.
They led me into Sector A once more and pushed me into the middle. The floor went quiet as I walked over and got my food and walked over to my usual table. People were sitting there.
"Move," I commanded. "This is my table, just because I've been gone for six months doesn't give you riffraff permission to sit here."
One of them stood up and turned around, "Listen..." He stopped when he saw my eyes. I had the look of a predator ready to kill. He continued, "Look around sister, do you see anywhere else to sit?"
I didn't look around before answering him. I grabbed him by the arm, flipped him around and slammed him into the table. I whispered in his ear, "Does it look to you like I care?"
The others at the table stood up and a fight began, me against at least ten others, doesn't quite sound fair. I guess I'll go easy on them. Prison time had changed my attitude a lot, then again I did what I had to do to survive. I'm not saying I'm proud of what I did, but I did it nonetheless.
They came at me like professionals, at robbing norms. They didn't expect the speed at which I countered them. I broke an arm and three ribs in a few seconds and two of them were down. A few moments later and five were down. The others gathered their buddies and left. I did all that without spilling one drop of food from my plate. I cleared the table and sat down.
*On the top floor*
"We need to get her out of there," One of them insisted. "She'll kill them."
"Exactly," The other replied. "The new toxin poisons even the new breed and has made this prison overflowing. We don't have enough room to fit them all and we have several such facilities. If she kills them we don't get in any trouble. What's Victor going to say? Or Alex?"
The first man smirked, "Good point."
*Back to Kindra*
Zach sat down across from me and said, "I thought they'd killed you, or worse."
"Good guess?" I passed by his knowing who I was again and smirked. "If they kill me, my father will know and my mother."
"You mean Rachel right?" He asked. "Cause that other one is down here all the time quelling the big riots. She's amazing."
"But she chose to betray us," I looked down. "Willingly." I glanced up and saw Victor coming down. I smirked at Zach, "Looks like it's interrogation time again. One question before I go, were you one of us from before or part of the new group?"
"From the beginning," He shrugged. "For some reason I am resistant to Alex's mind games and he can't manipulate me like he can some of the others."
I smiled and then turned as I heard Victor call my name and look around for me.
"I'm right here," I shook my head. "Not what you were expecting? Too bad. How about you come down here and I'll show you why I was in solitary for six months. Let's go."
Victor looked at me funny but the prisoners all moved and formed a line for me to walk straight to him and I did.
"Sorry just an interrogation, besides you'd probably kill me," He looked uneasy. "That and they are getting you new clothes."
They had given my new clothes when I'd gone into solitary but I'd grown so much I'd had to tear them and they barely covered me still and not close to modestly. He led me down a hall and towards the interrogation area. I saw Samantha and she bumped into me and I quickly read what I needed. A moment a person ran up with clothes and handed them to me.
I wanted to thank her but I had to keep the facade and I just gave the lady a stern look. I entered a bathroom and changed and then went into the interrogation room. Alex was not present.
"Where is the dog keeper?" I asked. "Two dogs but no keeper? That's strange."
MB punched me across the face, "Shut up. We didn't bring you in here for you to give us lip."
"Did you want me to give you more than you can handle traitor?" I replied. "Not you Victor you were tricked. Why do you still work for them MB? They have broken their agreement with you. How do I know? I'm good like that."
He hit me again, "Shut up I said, we are here to question you!"
"Hit me again and you'll find out why I was put in solitary," I growled at him. My eyes challenged him but he was undaunted.
He stood up and hit me harder than he had previously. The blow knocked me across the room. My eyes teared up, not with pain but with the knowledge of what I was about to have to do. I jumped up and broke the only camera in the room. MB charged me, I side stepped and slammed him face first into the wall. I heard the crunch as his nose broke and he fell limply to the ground.
Victor looked clueless. I grabbed the table and pushed it against the door and braced it.
"Victor I have to tell you something," I grunted as the door was being forced open.
He stood up and walked closer.
"They are lying to you Victor, they plan on killing all of us," I said. "Open you mind and I'll show you what I mean."
He looked unsure but they door was nearly open. I dove and placed my hand on his head.
Death and destruction surrounded us. Men and women being gunned down by people wearing CDC uniforms.
Victor stared in disbelief, "This can't be. You can't see the future."
"Did you forget who I bumped into in the hall?" I asked him. "She can."
He then saw something horrifying and he had to look away.
"This is the path you are on now Victor," I said. "They are planning on killing your son and you, no matter what you do to help them."
"I can't go against them," He shook his head. "I can't I'll lose my powers."
"You can follow their rules without obeying their orders," I instructed. "The most basic guideline you most certainly agree with."
The vision began to fade as my strength waned.
"Police the magic users as we do ourselves. That is the oldest rule they have and the basis for their organization. Follow that and you need not break your word while you follow your own path, the path unwritten."
I couldn't hold it any longer and I jumped away from him and tried to fight the guards and make it look like an escape attempt. They threw me back in my cell in Sector A and locked me in. I sighed, well I told him he can choose for himself now.
Back to the Future
"Good Crap!" Johnson glared, "what are you all standing around for?" The other's had given up on trying to open the tree with the rusty daggers from the incinerated people. "I guess you don't care if anyone comes by and tries to kill us, you'll just incinerate them too?"
Jessica's eyes filled with tears. Before he could apologize the tree began opening up in it's own. Mike and Kim came out. "What's going on?" she said.
"What are you trying to do, kill me?" Mike gasped, "by cutting into the tree it's like you are cutting into me." He then looked around confused, "where are we?"
"Marty here zapped us all into the past." Johnson complained.
"I'll fix it, I promise." Marty pleaded, "I just need a day or two to recover."
"We may not have that long." Kim sounded alarmed.
Some dark figures came out of the trees, "I knew he'd come back!" They grabbed Mike and then the others and started dragging them away. "Master, you must open the fortress. Our lives are in danger!" The cloaked figure chanted.
We were released in front of a vined wall. "The door is here, master."
Mike recognized the door from the warehouse in the future. "I can't, I don't have the key anymore."
"Of course you do, you are the key." another one chanted as they pushed him to the door.
"This is all too weird for me." Johnson was about to flee when an arrow came out of nowhere grazing his cheek. "On second thought, OPEN THAT DOOR!"
"Hurry, they are coming!" the hooded people pleaded.
"I'll do what I can." He fidgeted with the door for a minute, but it wouldn't give. "I'm too weak."
"Hurry!" Daila yelled. Just then an arrow struck her in the chest.
"Noo!" Marty yelled. He then became irrational, "there's no time for this. I'm going back! If you're with me grab my arm." Ivar, Jessica and Johnson grabbed hold. Mike and Kim hesitated, so he left without them.
--Back to present: an unknown amount of time after the attack.---
Marty and Daila lay presumably dead on the ground before them. Ivar, Jessica and Johnson were the only ones left.
"Let's get out of here!" Ivar yelled, "before those guys come back to get the rest of us."
"they deserve a proper burial." Jessica cried.
"There's no time." Ivar grabbed her gently by the elbow and the three of them ran off into the night. Jessica looked back sadly wishing things had been different.
Jessica's eyes filled with tears. Before he could apologize the tree began opening up in it's own. Mike and Kim came out. "What's going on?" she said.
"What are you trying to do, kill me?" Mike gasped, "by cutting into the tree it's like you are cutting into me." He then looked around confused, "where are we?"
"Marty here zapped us all into the past." Johnson complained.
"I'll fix it, I promise." Marty pleaded, "I just need a day or two to recover."
"We may not have that long." Kim sounded alarmed.
Some dark figures came out of the trees, "I knew he'd come back!" They grabbed Mike and then the others and started dragging them away. "Master, you must open the fortress. Our lives are in danger!" The cloaked figure chanted.
We were released in front of a vined wall. "The door is here, master."
Mike recognized the door from the warehouse in the future. "I can't, I don't have the key anymore."
"Of course you do, you are the key." another one chanted as they pushed him to the door.
"This is all too weird for me." Johnson was about to flee when an arrow came out of nowhere grazing his cheek. "On second thought, OPEN THAT DOOR!"
"Hurry, they are coming!" the hooded people pleaded.
"I'll do what I can." He fidgeted with the door for a minute, but it wouldn't give. "I'm too weak."
"Hurry!" Daila yelled. Just then an arrow struck her in the chest.
"Noo!" Marty yelled. He then became irrational, "there's no time for this. I'm going back! If you're with me grab my arm." Ivar, Jessica and Johnson grabbed hold. Mike and Kim hesitated, so he left without them.
--Back to present: an unknown amount of time after the attack.---
Marty and Daila lay presumably dead on the ground before them. Ivar, Jessica and Johnson were the only ones left.
"Let's get out of here!" Ivar yelled, "before those guys come back to get the rest of us."
"they deserve a proper burial." Jessica cried.
"There's no time." Ivar grabbed her gently by the elbow and the three of them ran off into the night. Jessica looked back sadly wishing things had been different.
It had been a long time since I'd seen anyone I knew, and I knew it would be longer still. The whole setup was like a human prison, guards on every floor and a large open area for us to eat in. They had since moved me into Sector A, I couldn't help it I'd tried to escape. Being free was in my blood, literally. I was dying in here, slowly but surely.
I was eating alone like I always did, no point in starving myself. More prisoners were brought in but this was different, there had been an influx of Sector A prisoners lately. This group seemed different.
A couple of regulars came over and sat down on either side of me, "Hi there little girl."
I sighed, these guys kept on trying to get me to join them and their little group.
"We could really use your talents," One of them suggested. They didn't look at me when they talked, trying not to be obvious. The cameras couldn't pick up the words through all the noise, not unless they suspected.
I scoffed, "You mean you need someone small, am I right?"
One of them snickered, "You're smarter than you look."
"I told you guys before I have no interest in working with a bunch of crooks," I knew they'd be angry and probably want to fight me, but I really didn't care.
I could tell they were about to do something when a different person walked up, "You know who that is don't you guys?"
They looked at him with blank stares and the guy continued, "That's Jared's baby girl. If you really want to anger him go ahead and get in a fight with her, otherwise I'd back off."
Evidently my father name holds sway even in this place, out of fear or respect. The two that had been bothering me stood up and walked away. The third guy sat down in front of me.
"How do you know who I am?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "It was a guess."
"You're sitting at my table," I said softly.
My appearance had been changing rapidly and I probably looked about seven by now, maybe eight.
"I just helped you and you are telling me to get lost?" He looked surprised. "I thought you were one of the good guys."
"First off I didn't need help. Second, this place has a way of changing the way you trust," I countered. "What did you want?"
"I want out," He shrugged. "When your rescue comes I want to go with you. It's as simple as that."
"Even my father couldn't break in to this place," My countenance obviously fell. "Only my true mother could break in and get back out again but she didn't have the power last time I saw her."
"Your true mother?" He was intrigued. "What do you mean?"
"Cali," I answered. "I'm sure you've seen the saber tooth tiger running around. She gave birth to me, but Rachel is my true mother. She isn't the traitor Cali is."
"So the genetic memory is true then," He pressed. "How much of the past do you know?"
I hesitated and then said, "Shake my hand first."
He did so and I used my power in that brief touch to see his power and what I could of everything else. He jerked his hand away.
He lowered his voice, "You used your powers didn't you?"
I didn't reply to that, "Zach, I think I can trust you. I know everything Jared knew when I was conceived. I have had conscious thought from that moment until now. Most of it was spent advancing my powers."
Suddenly there was a crash behind us. I ducked instinctively and barely dodged someone trying to hit me. I went under the table, dodged to the other side and got out from under it. A man was using his powers. He was increasing the size of individual body parts and using it as a weapon, I seemed to be the focal point. I glanced up at the guards but I saw Alex telling them to stand down.
I growled, he must be up to something. He's trying to make me use my powers so he can put me in solitary confinement for a few months. He's trying to break me still. I'll show him.
I reached the wall with the man quickly gaining. I did a front handspring towards the wall and then jumped off the wall and did another handspring off his head to the second level. I made my way through the level, with the man following. I was now separated from Alex by a twenty foot gap, maybe more. The man was only a short distance behind me. I jumped into the air towards him as he was swinging and landed my foot on his fist, his attack gave me the momentum I desired and I reached Alex and tackled him to the ground. I picked him up and tossed him into the pit with all the prisoners. He was so busy screaming that he didn't even notice I had taken a good deal of knowledge from him.
The man on the other side of the pit that had been chasing me jumped to get me. I jumped this time to stop it half way. My foot connected with his head and I drove him down into the ground, which was four stories down, head first. He didn't get up. Alex was being mauled by prisoners and I just walked back to my cell. The guards started shooting a moment later and I didn't want to be in the line of fire. Prisoners died when they stopped these riots and I had knowledge I had to get to my father.
I was eating alone like I always did, no point in starving myself. More prisoners were brought in but this was different, there had been an influx of Sector A prisoners lately. This group seemed different.
A couple of regulars came over and sat down on either side of me, "Hi there little girl."
I sighed, these guys kept on trying to get me to join them and their little group.
"We could really use your talents," One of them suggested. They didn't look at me when they talked, trying not to be obvious. The cameras couldn't pick up the words through all the noise, not unless they suspected.
I scoffed, "You mean you need someone small, am I right?"
One of them snickered, "You're smarter than you look."
"I told you guys before I have no interest in working with a bunch of crooks," I knew they'd be angry and probably want to fight me, but I really didn't care.
I could tell they were about to do something when a different person walked up, "You know who that is don't you guys?"
They looked at him with blank stares and the guy continued, "That's Jared's baby girl. If you really want to anger him go ahead and get in a fight with her, otherwise I'd back off."
Evidently my father name holds sway even in this place, out of fear or respect. The two that had been bothering me stood up and walked away. The third guy sat down in front of me.
"How do you know who I am?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "It was a guess."
"You're sitting at my table," I said softly.
My appearance had been changing rapidly and I probably looked about seven by now, maybe eight.
"I just helped you and you are telling me to get lost?" He looked surprised. "I thought you were one of the good guys."
"First off I didn't need help. Second, this place has a way of changing the way you trust," I countered. "What did you want?"
"I want out," He shrugged. "When your rescue comes I want to go with you. It's as simple as that."
"Even my father couldn't break in to this place," My countenance obviously fell. "Only my true mother could break in and get back out again but she didn't have the power last time I saw her."
"Your true mother?" He was intrigued. "What do you mean?"
"Cali," I answered. "I'm sure you've seen the saber tooth tiger running around. She gave birth to me, but Rachel is my true mother. She isn't the traitor Cali is."
"So the genetic memory is true then," He pressed. "How much of the past do you know?"
I hesitated and then said, "Shake my hand first."
He did so and I used my power in that brief touch to see his power and what I could of everything else. He jerked his hand away.
He lowered his voice, "You used your powers didn't you?"
I didn't reply to that, "Zach, I think I can trust you. I know everything Jared knew when I was conceived. I have had conscious thought from that moment until now. Most of it was spent advancing my powers."
Suddenly there was a crash behind us. I ducked instinctively and barely dodged someone trying to hit me. I went under the table, dodged to the other side and got out from under it. A man was using his powers. He was increasing the size of individual body parts and using it as a weapon, I seemed to be the focal point. I glanced up at the guards but I saw Alex telling them to stand down.
I growled, he must be up to something. He's trying to make me use my powers so he can put me in solitary confinement for a few months. He's trying to break me still. I'll show him.
I reached the wall with the man quickly gaining. I did a front handspring towards the wall and then jumped off the wall and did another handspring off his head to the second level. I made my way through the level, with the man following. I was now separated from Alex by a twenty foot gap, maybe more. The man was only a short distance behind me. I jumped into the air towards him as he was swinging and landed my foot on his fist, his attack gave me the momentum I desired and I reached Alex and tackled him to the ground. I picked him up and tossed him into the pit with all the prisoners. He was so busy screaming that he didn't even notice I had taken a good deal of knowledge from him.
The man on the other side of the pit that had been chasing me jumped to get me. I jumped this time to stop it half way. My foot connected with his head and I drove him down into the ground, which was four stories down, head first. He didn't get up. Alex was being mauled by prisoners and I just walked back to my cell. The guards started shooting a moment later and I didn't want to be in the line of fire. Prisoners died when they stopped these riots and I had knowledge I had to get to my father.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Victors back

MB laughed, it was rare that I saw that in him. Most of the time it was like he blamed me for something that even his analytical mind couldn't put into words. Regardless, it was one of my favorite things to do.
"Laughter is the best medicine." I would say when MB gave me the look of internal conflict and part rage.
We met up with Alex, our director. "I'll help with the interrogation on this one, boys."
I smirked, as I was growing accustom to Alex's taunts, not exactly sure how heartless he would be to anyone but he was consistent in his methods. Therefore predictable in his self preservation.I liked that, and as long as Johnson was safe I was content. Especially since the organized Magic users were all but gone. My job would be easy, if not needed anymore.
"What's the reading on this one." I asked one of the attendants. The warehouse was cold with the paralytic mist flowing about. The detainees always a little miffed or lying about as if there was no purpose to life. I hated coming here but MB insisted on getting information.
We walked into the cell like to ghosts, it was one of the ones we caught earlier that week. But they didn't recognizes us with our air filter masks.
It was sector C, a place were non-military grade people didn't have to be subjected to the smoke. just a barrier of it to prevent communication. I got permission. A happy minion is a hard working minion. Though there were still precautions. Like three tons of explosives set to crush the subterranean section.
The interrogation went on for a while before we got any where, MB was getting a little aggressive. Alex had rubbed off on him a bit or it could have been something else but he wasn't sure, so wasn't looked further into by myself.
It was chilling to see his tactics get colder as the partnership went on. "Lets go MB, we got what we want. Let's check out the docks like she said."
Kindra looked up into her captors' eyes.
Kindra's inner thoughts, "so he does have a soul."
I felt a little uneasy as Alex and MB looked at me.
Kindra smirked slightly and spoke up, "Turn off the camera and let Victor talk to me alone. Then I might give you what you want."
Alex "you mean you lied to me about your current information? how typical." looking back to me, Alex went on "come on we'll interrogate the next prisoner. and guards transfer her back to cell block B, looks like shes not living up to her privileges in cell block C."
Then leading the two agents out Alex grinned as he taunted the little girl, "boys next stop is to put Jared behind bars."
I looked back at the little girl, and my inner thoughts replied "I wonder what she wanted to tell me. oops next mission better stay focused."
--any elaborations just leave a reply please--
"I don't understand. I'm older, what's the problem?"
"You're not older." she looked at her feet ashamed, "you're just taller."
"So what? you didn't have a problem holding my hand, so why won't you let your feelings free?"
"It's. . .oh, I don't know how to explain it."
"Fine, be that way. Don't talk to me anymore."
The door opened and Deothanos was standing in the doorway, "oh, don't be like that. I need you two to get along. Now then, I see that you have healed so I need you to tell me where my Jewl is."
"I told you already, I don't know where it is. I haven't seen it since I was 6."
"Oh, but I think you have."
"I'm telling you the truth!"
"Don't test my patience boy! I know you have it! Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to create such a monster to carry all your friends in."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I trained the whole time I was on that ship. I worked up to that level. I did it myself. I did not use the Jewl!"
"That's where you're wrong. Come, let me take you to my warehouse and you can do it again."
Just then someone came into the room, "Excuse me, master, but something is happening at the prison. We should go there right away."
"Don't tell me what to do!" He hollered and nearly threw the girl across the room. "Alex is supposed to be keeping that place under control. Why do I always have to do everything myself!"
"It's the baby, sir. She's causing all kinds of problems, they've moved her twice today."
"Baby? What baby? Why wasn't I told of this? Come, we need to pay this baby a visit."
"Of course, sir, but she is very dangerous. A purebred."
"How is that even possible? Jeff, Get us there as soon as possible. Brindee, you're coming with us. It will be like a party. I want you to make sure no one gets in my way. Messenger, keep track of these prisoners for me until I return."
"Yes sir!" They all said in unison. In a second they were gone.
The girl just rolled her eyes, "one of these days I will be in charge, I hate taking orders from. . ." I took the liberty of knocking her out before she could finish her moping.
"You're not older." she looked at her feet ashamed, "you're just taller."
"So what? you didn't have a problem holding my hand, so why won't you let your feelings free?"
"It's. . .oh, I don't know how to explain it."
"Fine, be that way. Don't talk to me anymore."
The door opened and Deothanos was standing in the doorway, "oh, don't be like that. I need you two to get along. Now then, I see that you have healed so I need you to tell me where my Jewl is."
"I told you already, I don't know where it is. I haven't seen it since I was 6."
"Oh, but I think you have."
"I'm telling you the truth!"
"Don't test my patience boy! I know you have it! Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to create such a monster to carry all your friends in."
"I don't know what you're talking about. I trained the whole time I was on that ship. I worked up to that level. I did it myself. I did not use the Jewl!"
"That's where you're wrong. Come, let me take you to my warehouse and you can do it again."
Just then someone came into the room, "Excuse me, master, but something is happening at the prison. We should go there right away."
"Don't tell me what to do!" He hollered and nearly threw the girl across the room. "Alex is supposed to be keeping that place under control. Why do I always have to do everything myself!"
"It's the baby, sir. She's causing all kinds of problems, they've moved her twice today."
"Baby? What baby? Why wasn't I told of this? Come, we need to pay this baby a visit."
"Of course, sir, but she is very dangerous. A purebred."
"How is that even possible? Jeff, Get us there as soon as possible. Brindee, you're coming with us. It will be like a party. I want you to make sure no one gets in my way. Messenger, keep track of these prisoners for me until I return."
"Yes sir!" They all said in unison. In a second they were gone.
The girl just rolled her eyes, "one of these days I will be in charge, I hate taking orders from. . ." I took the liberty of knocking her out before she could finish her moping.
"Alex, come on! Why don't you ever want me to do any missions for you?" I pleaded.
"Because, your powers are worthless. You're in my way. Why are you still here?"
That boy boils my blood! I decided I didn't want to take anymore of his criticism. I would join Deothanos. He could see my true potential, I am sure of it.
As if to read my thoughts, Jeff appeared out of nowhere. He was standing in a doorway near me. "So, you're ready to join us now? Good. Grab my arm and I'll introduce you to my master. I mean, our master."
I grabbed his arm and in an instant we were somewhere else. A damp dark dungeon of sorts.
"I see you finally started to see things my way, Brindee." A deep voice came from the shadows.
"Yes, master. Alex is a pig! He can't see my true potential, all he sees is a swarm of bees."
"Oh, sweet child, that is your true potential."
"what?" I was about to protest.
"But what Alex doesn't understand is that you aren't limited to the number of bees in your swarm, or even the size."
"what do you mean?"
"Let me show you something, my dear." he waved his staff in the air. the crystal on the top started to glow as a strange green mist surrounded me.
"Are you a warlock or something?"
"Silly girl, my magic isn't fairytale magic. This is simply a devise to concentrate my magic. now hold still." I felt a slight jolt and found myself air bound. "now, close your eyes and think about Alex. How much you hate Alex and want him dead. Now, imagine him being attacked by a ten foot wasp." I grinned evilly at the delicious mirage before my eyes. "Now open your eyes, and make it so!"
I opened my eyes and everything looked strange. I was still flying, but everything was so small. I broke through the ceiling and flew in a rage to find Alex and kill him.
"Jeff, I think she's ready."
"Yes master, but I thought you needed Alex."
"I do. That's why you must stop her before she gets to him. I just needed her to manifest her power fully. She was holding back."
"Yes master, I will stop her." He held up his hands and pulled me back to him. I tried to resist, but to no avail.
I felt so dejected as I sat in front of them in my human form.
"Don't worry, Brindee. You shall have your revenge. But the time hasn't come yet. I still have a little more work for Alex right now. But, you can kill any of his colleagues."
My eyes brightened and I looked up and grinned, "anyone?"
"Yes." he was very pleased. "anyone."
"thank you master." my eyes blackened as my heart was filled with evil. "I know just the guy."
"Because, your powers are worthless. You're in my way. Why are you still here?"
That boy boils my blood! I decided I didn't want to take anymore of his criticism. I would join Deothanos. He could see my true potential, I am sure of it.
As if to read my thoughts, Jeff appeared out of nowhere. He was standing in a doorway near me. "So, you're ready to join us now? Good. Grab my arm and I'll introduce you to my master. I mean, our master."
I grabbed his arm and in an instant we were somewhere else. A damp dark dungeon of sorts.
"I see you finally started to see things my way, Brindee." A deep voice came from the shadows.
"Yes, master. Alex is a pig! He can't see my true potential, all he sees is a swarm of bees."
"Oh, sweet child, that is your true potential."
"what?" I was about to protest.
"But what Alex doesn't understand is that you aren't limited to the number of bees in your swarm, or even the size."
"what do you mean?"
"Let me show you something, my dear." he waved his staff in the air. the crystal on the top started to glow as a strange green mist surrounded me.
"Are you a warlock or something?"
"Silly girl, my magic isn't fairytale magic. This is simply a devise to concentrate my magic. now hold still." I felt a slight jolt and found myself air bound. "now, close your eyes and think about Alex. How much you hate Alex and want him dead. Now, imagine him being attacked by a ten foot wasp." I grinned evilly at the delicious mirage before my eyes. "Now open your eyes, and make it so!"
I opened my eyes and everything looked strange. I was still flying, but everything was so small. I broke through the ceiling and flew in a rage to find Alex and kill him.
"Jeff, I think she's ready."
"Yes master, but I thought you needed Alex."
"I do. That's why you must stop her before she gets to him. I just needed her to manifest her power fully. She was holding back."
"Yes master, I will stop her." He held up his hands and pulled me back to him. I tried to resist, but to no avail.
I felt so dejected as I sat in front of them in my human form.
"Don't worry, Brindee. You shall have your revenge. But the time hasn't come yet. I still have a little more work for Alex right now. But, you can kill any of his colleagues."
My eyes brightened and I looked up and grinned, "anyone?"
"Yes." he was very pleased. "anyone."
"thank you master." my eyes blackened as my heart was filled with evil. "I know just the guy."
Summary For Luke
Alex has taken over the DC facility being run by that group and has convinced many to follow him, some willingly others with blackmail.
Deothanos, Sterling's evil uncle, is manipulating Alex and Jeff is working for him.
Ivar, Jessica, Marty, Daila, Johnson, Mike and Kimberly fled from Alex attacking the base and are presently in the past.
Rachel was given the special Jewl and had her powers advanced to a higher level by Jared to allow her to keep it safely hidden from Deothanos.
This was following the same attack that drove the others into the past.
Edmund was sacrificed as a pawn to slow Jared down so they could capture his daughter, Kindra.
Kindra and Samantha, a blind girl who can see the future and some other things, were captured during the attack and taken to Alex.
Allison, who had gone there under duress because Alex had her parents, briefly met with them and has healed Mathis (after being scared into a coma by Jessica) to the point he can function normally.
Jared is currently MIA but before the attack he had been increasing everyone's powers a little bit with main emphasis being on Sterling and making him older.
Mike was a descendant of those who had powers in the past but had forgotten, with Sterling's help they were unlocked by a compound similar to the one used to disable powers and now he has plant powers and as a side effect of his powers has been beginning to look younger.
Cali, Kindra's birth mother, also gained powers (from Alex's compound), along with everyone else that had descended from those Mike did, and can shape shift. She is working for Alex to spite Jared.
Rain and Sterling were captured and taken to Deothanos. Deothanos wanted Sterling because he thought Sterling, who was also a member of the Royal family, was the only one other than himself that could activate the Jewl and thereby amplify his powers and be a threat to Deothanos. Jared shares a bloodline with them, which is unknown to all.
William and Raymond died in torture about a month before the current time while trying to rescue Jared from Alex's lair.
Ivar and Jessica are a couple again, ew.
Rain and Sterling are wanting to date but human customs get in the way, Sterling's new age (14 ish) is still too young. He's taller but still has that innocent boy look.
Mike and Kimberly are spending a lot of time together. No one knows if there are any sparks, and though Mike looks younger he is still twice her age.
Jared and Rachel are virtually inseparable, the main reason the Rachel couldn't bare staying away any longer. Rachel is considered Kindra's true mother.
Marty and Daila are also dating, but they keep mostly to themselves.
Deothanos, Sterling's evil uncle, is manipulating Alex and Jeff is working for him.
Ivar, Jessica, Marty, Daila, Johnson, Mike and Kimberly fled from Alex attacking the base and are presently in the past.
Rachel was given the special Jewl and had her powers advanced to a higher level by Jared to allow her to keep it safely hidden from Deothanos.
This was following the same attack that drove the others into the past.
Edmund was sacrificed as a pawn to slow Jared down so they could capture his daughter, Kindra.
Kindra and Samantha, a blind girl who can see the future and some other things, were captured during the attack and taken to Alex.
Allison, who had gone there under duress because Alex had her parents, briefly met with them and has healed Mathis (after being scared into a coma by Jessica) to the point he can function normally.
Jared is currently MIA but before the attack he had been increasing everyone's powers a little bit with main emphasis being on Sterling and making him older.
Mike was a descendant of those who had powers in the past but had forgotten, with Sterling's help they were unlocked by a compound similar to the one used to disable powers and now he has plant powers and as a side effect of his powers has been beginning to look younger.
Cali, Kindra's birth mother, also gained powers (from Alex's compound), along with everyone else that had descended from those Mike did, and can shape shift. She is working for Alex to spite Jared.
Rain and Sterling were captured and taken to Deothanos. Deothanos wanted Sterling because he thought Sterling, who was also a member of the Royal family, was the only one other than himself that could activate the Jewl and thereby amplify his powers and be a threat to Deothanos. Jared shares a bloodline with them, which is unknown to all.
William and Raymond died in torture about a month before the current time while trying to rescue Jared from Alex's lair.
Ivar and Jessica are a couple again, ew.
Rain and Sterling are wanting to date but human customs get in the way, Sterling's new age (14 ish) is still too young. He's taller but still has that innocent boy look.
Mike and Kimberly are spending a lot of time together. No one knows if there are any sparks, and though Mike looks younger he is still twice her age.
Jared and Rachel are virtually inseparable, the main reason the Rachel couldn't bare staying away any longer. Rachel is considered Kindra's true mother.
Marty and Daila are also dating, but they keep mostly to themselves.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
(I'm passing a little bit of time again, but this doesn't have to be time passed for anyone else but Rachel just to know why she is off alone.)
I was running through the dark, darkness was all around me these days. No matter where I went or how far I ran I was in darkness, but I liked it. My powers had grown dramatically that night we all were separated, Jared had nearly killed himself doing it. He said I had surpassed even he in power and that shadow had never touched another one of our kind in our entire history.
I turned down a road and kept running. It was actually the middle of the day, however, I had learned to become a shadow and darkness always surrounded me.
They were coming, I could feel it, minions of Deothanos. The named slid from my tongue like a curse and it became obvious why he chose to be called the god of death.
I felt my pocket, the Jewl was safe. Jared had charged me with it's safe keeping. They could track me anywhere I went, but only within a five mile radius he had said. As long as I remained a shadow they would never locate me precisely. Unfortunately I could not do some of the most basic body function, such as eating and drinking, while a shadow. If it weren't for those basic needs they would never be able to find me.
I had forgotten how long it had been, days at least, weeks perhaps but I was certain it was no more than a year. No matter the case it had been forever, too long. That's why I'd come back.
I was running through the dark, darkness was all around me these days. No matter where I went or how far I ran I was in darkness, but I liked it. My powers had grown dramatically that night we all were separated, Jared had nearly killed himself doing it. He said I had surpassed even he in power and that shadow had never touched another one of our kind in our entire history.
I turned down a road and kept running. It was actually the middle of the day, however, I had learned to become a shadow and darkness always surrounded me.
They were coming, I could feel it, minions of Deothanos. The named slid from my tongue like a curse and it became obvious why he chose to be called the god of death.
I felt my pocket, the Jewl was safe. Jared had charged me with it's safe keeping. They could track me anywhere I went, but only within a five mile radius he had said. As long as I remained a shadow they would never locate me precisely. Unfortunately I could not do some of the most basic body function, such as eating and drinking, while a shadow. If it weren't for those basic needs they would never be able to find me.
I had forgotten how long it had been, days at least, weeks perhaps but I was certain it was no more than a year. No matter the case it had been forever, too long. That's why I'd come back.
I grinned widely when Cali returned with the girl. Kindra evidently realized the futility of being invisible. I placed a device on her arm when she got close.
She just glared at me, "I will escape. No matter how hard you try, and if I don't you are going to wish I did when my daddy comes to rescue me. I don't think even you will be safe from his wrath then Alex."
Samantha was brought in a moment later. Alex smirked, "Looks like we caught her too. Let me guess, you saw it coming?"
She shrugged and looked in Kindra's general direction, "Hello Kindra, it's nice to have company in this dreadful place."
Kindra grinned at her as if she could see it, "Yeah, I almost forgot to tell them and my true mother's powers and how they are, at this very moment, evolving to the next level." She added, as if to explain the puzzled looks that everyone present had, "Spending so much time with daddy has given him the opportunity to increase her powers exponentially, even though he didn't even realize it."
Kindra and Samantha turned and waved at the door a moment before Allison walked in.
She looked deeply saddened, "Oh I'd hoped it wasn't true." She sighed but smiled when Kindra ran up and gave her a hug.
"We weren't separated long Allison," The girl grinned.
Mathis walked in a moment later, "How's Jessica?" The look on his face showed genuine concern.
Kindra relinquished her embrace on Allison and glanced at Alex, "May I go on a short walk with him?"
Alex shrugged, "Keep an eye on her Mathis, if she tries to escape, you know what to do."
He nodded and the two walked out.
"That is the strangest little girl I've ever known," Alex wondered. "She really does need to learn when enough is enough, however."
Alex glanced at Cali, "Take Samantha to her new quarters and this time make sure she has guards that won't abuse her. The same with Allison and make sure Mathis knows where she is in case he relapses again."
They all left and he was alone. The voices were starting again, he was losing it and he didn't know why.
She just glared at me, "I will escape. No matter how hard you try, and if I don't you are going to wish I did when my daddy comes to rescue me. I don't think even you will be safe from his wrath then Alex."
Samantha was brought in a moment later. Alex smirked, "Looks like we caught her too. Let me guess, you saw it coming?"
She shrugged and looked in Kindra's general direction, "Hello Kindra, it's nice to have company in this dreadful place."
Kindra grinned at her as if she could see it, "Yeah, I almost forgot to tell them and my true mother's powers and how they are, at this very moment, evolving to the next level." She added, as if to explain the puzzled looks that everyone present had, "Spending so much time with daddy has given him the opportunity to increase her powers exponentially, even though he didn't even realize it."
Kindra and Samantha turned and waved at the door a moment before Allison walked in.
She looked deeply saddened, "Oh I'd hoped it wasn't true." She sighed but smiled when Kindra ran up and gave her a hug.
"We weren't separated long Allison," The girl grinned.
Mathis walked in a moment later, "How's Jessica?" The look on his face showed genuine concern.
Kindra relinquished her embrace on Allison and glanced at Alex, "May I go on a short walk with him?"
Alex shrugged, "Keep an eye on her Mathis, if she tries to escape, you know what to do."
He nodded and the two walked out.
"That is the strangest little girl I've ever known," Alex wondered. "She really does need to learn when enough is enough, however."
Alex glanced at Cali, "Take Samantha to her new quarters and this time make sure she has guards that won't abuse her. The same with Allison and make sure Mathis knows where she is in case he relapses again."
They all left and he was alone. The voices were starting again, he was losing it and he didn't know why.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I had been lurking around the strong hold ever since I had discovered it. My dad had told Alex he wanted to resign, so they gave him a couple of days off, but then they barged into our home in the middle of the night and kidnapped him. They tried to get me too, but failed.
I watched in horror as Alex and his gang approached Jared's fortress. I wanted to warn them, but I knew it wouldn't do me any good because it was too late to act. The next best thing was to run.
Within minutes the ground was crumbling beneath me. And a second later I found myself traveling in time with Marty and the others. Things got even weirder from there.
Jessica burst into flames. It was kind of cool, but kind of freaky. Now I knew what she was capable of (we never got along very well) it was pretty scary. For some reason I could feel their powers, it was like for an instant we all shared powers.
They all huddled together and hugged. I didn't know how I felt about any of them, they'd never given me a reason to trust them. I started to walk away, but was stopped by an enormous tree that had suddenly sprouted from the ground.
The others laughed of course, as I smacked my head on the tree. But surprisingly, they came over to see if I was ok.
"It's a gift from God!" Daila was delighted. "This tree is big enough for all of us to hide inside."
"Any ideas how we're going to open it?" I said skeptically.
I watched in horror as Alex and his gang approached Jared's fortress. I wanted to warn them, but I knew it wouldn't do me any good because it was too late to act. The next best thing was to run.
Within minutes the ground was crumbling beneath me. And a second later I found myself traveling in time with Marty and the others. Things got even weirder from there.
Jessica burst into flames. It was kind of cool, but kind of freaky. Now I knew what she was capable of (we never got along very well) it was pretty scary. For some reason I could feel their powers, it was like for an instant we all shared powers.
They all huddled together and hugged. I didn't know how I felt about any of them, they'd never given me a reason to trust them. I started to walk away, but was stopped by an enormous tree that had suddenly sprouted from the ground.
The others laughed of course, as I smacked my head on the tree. But surprisingly, they came over to see if I was ok.
"It's a gift from God!" Daila was delighted. "This tree is big enough for all of us to hide inside."
"Any ideas how we're going to open it?" I said skeptically.
Kim and I were in my room when everything went down. We were unaware that anything was happening until the walls started to collapse around us. "What's happening?" She screamed as the only exit was blocked.
"I don't know, but we need to move." I grabbed her shoulders and moved her just as a large boulder was falling where she had been. The situation seemed hopeless, but as a last resort, I decided to put my magic to the test.
I built a fortress of vines around us, so thick and tight that nothing could fall through. Then I sent a few vines upward to the surface so that we would have oxygen.
There were a few loud crashes before everything went deathly silent. We just sat there holding each other waiting for something, anything to happen. Without sufficient sunlight or water, my vines could not hold forever. Eventually they would dry up and crack. We didn't know how long that would be, but we knew it would at least be a few days.
"I don't know, but we need to move." I grabbed her shoulders and moved her just as a large boulder was falling where she had been. The situation seemed hopeless, but as a last resort, I decided to put my magic to the test.
I built a fortress of vines around us, so thick and tight that nothing could fall through. Then I sent a few vines upward to the surface so that we would have oxygen.
There were a few loud crashes before everything went deathly silent. We just sat there holding each other waiting for something, anything to happen. Without sufficient sunlight or water, my vines could not hold forever. Eventually they would dry up and crack. We didn't know how long that would be, but we knew it would at least be a few days.
The room we teleported to wasn't in much better shape than the room we left. Jeff helped me lay Sterling on the cot on the floor then he went to get his master. Sterling had gotten even weaker and was now struggling to stay awake. I just held his hand and stroked his hair.
"I don't know what we're up against, but at least we're together." I smiled warmly.
"Yeah, I wouldn't have it any other way. " He grinned as he closed his eyes.
A few minutes later Jeff returned. "Master is a patient man, he wants you two to rest up before her interrogates you. It will be more fun for him that way." He left the room again and returned seconds later with another cot. "Here, make your own bed." he tossed the things on the ground in front of me.
"You mean, you aren't going to separate us?"
"What would be the point of that? Sterling obviously needs you to stay alive. Now go to sleep!" He shut off the lights as he slammed the door, then locked it behind him.
I conjured up a little sun to light the room so I could see what I was doing. Then I pushed my cot right up to Sterling's. I just laid there staring at him thinking for what seemed like hours. His hand was so soft and a perfect fit for mine. I knew that there was something special about him, and that was enough to put me at ease.
As I closed my eyes to sleep, I could have sworn he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead gently, "thank you" he whispered.
The sun faded into darkness and we drifted to sleep.
"I don't know what we're up against, but at least we're together." I smiled warmly.
"Yeah, I wouldn't have it any other way. " He grinned as he closed his eyes.
A few minutes later Jeff returned. "Master is a patient man, he wants you two to rest up before her interrogates you. It will be more fun for him that way." He left the room again and returned seconds later with another cot. "Here, make your own bed." he tossed the things on the ground in front of me.
"You mean, you aren't going to separate us?"
"What would be the point of that? Sterling obviously needs you to stay alive. Now go to sleep!" He shut off the lights as he slammed the door, then locked it behind him.
I conjured up a little sun to light the room so I could see what I was doing. Then I pushed my cot right up to Sterling's. I just laid there staring at him thinking for what seemed like hours. His hand was so soft and a perfect fit for mine. I knew that there was something special about him, and that was enough to put me at ease.
As I closed my eyes to sleep, I could have sworn he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead gently, "thank you" he whispered.
The sun faded into darkness and we drifted to sleep.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Rachel and Kindra
Kindra and I were making our way through the remains of the base, avoiding the troops that were swarming around the base. We had just rounded a corner and headed into an area I actually recognized when Kindra stopped and started shivering in fright.
"He's almost here," Kindra's expression was total terror. She went invisible and I could feel her grab onto my arm and try to pull me.
"That bad man?" I asked, my question was answered when I heard a crash and turned to see a man standing there looking directly at the invisible person holding my arm.
I picked her up and turned invisible myself, it was light enough to see, yet dark enough to hide. He couldn't see me, I could tell that much but, he didn't look like he cared. Suddenly he turned into a large monster and started swinging around the area where I was, trying not to hit Kindra but hit me.
I set Kindra down and yelled, "Run Kindra run!"
I turned and saw a large cat dart past me after her. I tried to chase but was hit by a random fist. I flew into a rock and received a large gash on my left side, just below my ribs. I couldn't move very well, but he would have seen my blood and would be able to hit me if I didn't get out of the way. I teleported across the room and he looked around for a moment before he grinned.
"I can smell your blood," He taunted as he walked right towards me. "You can't hide forever."
He was right, I couldn't stay invisible any longer.
*To Kindra*
Why was mommy chasing me? She shouldn't be helping that guy. Kindra was exceptionally quick and agile for her size, even counting the fact she had magic. Cali jumped in front of me and changed into a human.
"Come with me Kindra," She tempted. "Look I have powers now too. You can be with me and learn from me now. I'm your mother and I know best for you."
It didn't even tempt me for a second. I told her, "No, you work for Uncle Alex and he's evil. I know all about all of his plans for us. You wouldn't follow him if you knew even half of them."
"If you won't come the easy way I'll just have to catch you and make you come. You'll see the light eventually," Cali reasoned. She changed into a hybrid, somewhere between human and cat. She would be able to talk and would have claws, but, of course, wouldn't have to use them on Kindra.
Cali began chasing Kindra around the facility, trying to wear Kindra out.
*Back to Rachel*
He walked over and prepared to smash me and kill me when part of the wall broke off and slammed into his body. Jared stepped through the opening.
He smiled down at me, "Sorry I'm late."
The creature didn't give up so easily. He swung at Jared, but Jared easily avoided it and began fighting the creature. After a few moments there was a tremendous noise and Jared fell back. The creature was what had emitted the sound waves that had toppled the base.
Jared was weak, he must have gotten in a fight before this one, I could tell he had done something fairly impressive.
Jared was trying to fight but the room worked great for the sound waves. Suddenly everything seemed to slow down and I thought I saw a woman that looked like Kindra standing in the middle of the room.
*Back to Kindra*
I was trying to avoid Cali when I found a small Jewl sitting on the ground, there was a hole in the roof and it must have toppled down from up there. I picked it and I felt it's purpose. Daddy was in trouble!
"Daddy!" I screamed and could feel the walls tremble and the whole world slowed down.
I could feel my powers magnified and I appeared in the room with daddy and my true mommy inside. They all turned and looked at me. I glared at the creature. He began to move towards me.
I didn't notice it but I had unintentionally appeared in the room at my mental age instead of physical age. The creature began reaching for me.
"No," I said calmly. "You will no longer have power to see me or anyone else, ever again. Only one person will you be able to see. Your twisted and corrupt and evil master. His image will haunt your mind and only once he has finally died will you be free. Go to him and tell him that we are not as simple as he thinks we are. We are not the pathetic mongrels he would believe. Our human blood makes us far stronger than anything he can ever attain for the one power that completely eludes him, we have mastered."
The beast scurried from the room and I knew it wouldn't go to Alex, because I hadn't told it to. I told it to go to it's master.
Kindra was distracted doing something and I took it as my opportunity to act. I grabbed her and didn't notice the Jewl go tumbling to the ground as I carried her away.
I tore off part of my shirt to help Rachel's wound. She grabbed me by the arm, "I'll be fine now go get Kindra, Cali is after her."
I growled and took off running. I already knew I wouldn't make it in time. Kindra had told me where to go but now that I knew Cali had been after her I knew it wouldn't be what I thought it was. I found a small Jewl on the ground where she had told me to look and I picked it up. The blood memory flooded my mind and I remembered what this was. I created a necklace that would break my neck before it broke and attached the Jewl and put it around my neck and under my shirt. As long as I didn't use the power I gained it would be hidden from sight.
I made my way back to Rachel and together we left the base.
"He's almost here," Kindra's expression was total terror. She went invisible and I could feel her grab onto my arm and try to pull me.
"That bad man?" I asked, my question was answered when I heard a crash and turned to see a man standing there looking directly at the invisible person holding my arm.
I picked her up and turned invisible myself, it was light enough to see, yet dark enough to hide. He couldn't see me, I could tell that much but, he didn't look like he cared. Suddenly he turned into a large monster and started swinging around the area where I was, trying not to hit Kindra but hit me.
I set Kindra down and yelled, "Run Kindra run!"
I turned and saw a large cat dart past me after her. I tried to chase but was hit by a random fist. I flew into a rock and received a large gash on my left side, just below my ribs. I couldn't move very well, but he would have seen my blood and would be able to hit me if I didn't get out of the way. I teleported across the room and he looked around for a moment before he grinned.
"I can smell your blood," He taunted as he walked right towards me. "You can't hide forever."
He was right, I couldn't stay invisible any longer.
*To Kindra*
Why was mommy chasing me? She shouldn't be helping that guy. Kindra was exceptionally quick and agile for her size, even counting the fact she had magic. Cali jumped in front of me and changed into a human.
"Come with me Kindra," She tempted. "Look I have powers now too. You can be with me and learn from me now. I'm your mother and I know best for you."
It didn't even tempt me for a second. I told her, "No, you work for Uncle Alex and he's evil. I know all about all of his plans for us. You wouldn't follow him if you knew even half of them."
"If you won't come the easy way I'll just have to catch you and make you come. You'll see the light eventually," Cali reasoned. She changed into a hybrid, somewhere between human and cat. She would be able to talk and would have claws, but, of course, wouldn't have to use them on Kindra.
Cali began chasing Kindra around the facility, trying to wear Kindra out.
*Back to Rachel*
He walked over and prepared to smash me and kill me when part of the wall broke off and slammed into his body. Jared stepped through the opening.
He smiled down at me, "Sorry I'm late."
The creature didn't give up so easily. He swung at Jared, but Jared easily avoided it and began fighting the creature. After a few moments there was a tremendous noise and Jared fell back. The creature was what had emitted the sound waves that had toppled the base.
Jared was weak, he must have gotten in a fight before this one, I could tell he had done something fairly impressive.
Jared was trying to fight but the room worked great for the sound waves. Suddenly everything seemed to slow down and I thought I saw a woman that looked like Kindra standing in the middle of the room.
*Back to Kindra*
I was trying to avoid Cali when I found a small Jewl sitting on the ground, there was a hole in the roof and it must have toppled down from up there. I picked it and I felt it's purpose. Daddy was in trouble!
"Daddy!" I screamed and could feel the walls tremble and the whole world slowed down.
I could feel my powers magnified and I appeared in the room with daddy and my true mommy inside. They all turned and looked at me. I glared at the creature. He began to move towards me.
I didn't notice it but I had unintentionally appeared in the room at my mental age instead of physical age. The creature began reaching for me.
"No," I said calmly. "You will no longer have power to see me or anyone else, ever again. Only one person will you be able to see. Your twisted and corrupt and evil master. His image will haunt your mind and only once he has finally died will you be free. Go to him and tell him that we are not as simple as he thinks we are. We are not the pathetic mongrels he would believe. Our human blood makes us far stronger than anything he can ever attain for the one power that completely eludes him, we have mastered."
The beast scurried from the room and I knew it wouldn't go to Alex, because I hadn't told it to. I told it to go to it's master.
Kindra was distracted doing something and I took it as my opportunity to act. I grabbed her and didn't notice the Jewl go tumbling to the ground as I carried her away.
I tore off part of my shirt to help Rachel's wound. She grabbed me by the arm, "I'll be fine now go get Kindra, Cali is after her."
I growled and took off running. I already knew I wouldn't make it in time. Kindra had told me where to go but now that I knew Cali had been after her I knew it wouldn't be what I thought it was. I found a small Jewl on the ground where she had told me to look and I picked it up. The blood memory flooded my mind and I remembered what this was. I created a necklace that would break my neck before it broke and attached the Jewl and put it around my neck and under my shirt. As long as I didn't use the power I gained it would be hidden from sight.
I made my way back to Rachel and together we left the base.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
(I got a post hehe, but it's kind of evil.)
They surrounded us and were chanting and shouting and screaming in our faces. I couldn't take it and fell to me knees covering my head and trying to keep the voice from coming.
"Why don't you like me Jessica?" The voice echoed through my mind and I snapped my head up. Everything seemed to moving in slow motion. "Why do you fight me? Why don't you embrace your power as all the others have embraced theirs?"
"Because you're evil!" I shouted, unintentionally out loud. The others looked at me like I was insane. I suppose I probably looked like I was possessed which wouldn't have helped our position any. "I hate you and you will not overpower me again."
"You're half right Jessica," The voice calmly replied. "But remember this rage is buried deep in your heart and I am simply a vessel to focus your desires. I don't just respond to hatred."
I was losing control and I knew what it would do. "Please Ivar..." I could barely whimper, "Please kill me before I do something awful."
The rage overwhelmed me and the flames encompassed my body and I lost control as the voice spoke. It had never spoken for me before but I think it was meant for me, "The sentence for your crimes is being met this day. I am not the harbinger of death of all, only the death of the guilty. Many of you have committed murder and slaughtered many innocent people. I sentence you to burn in the fire of your own guilt."
Almost all those in the mob burst into flames and in moments only a pile of ashes remained. The remaining members of the mob ran in fear. The flames subsided and I began to cry.
Ivar took me in his arms instantly, he had not been afraid. I glanced up and saw Daila and Marty also coming down to hold me.
"Now we know the burden you carry Jessica," Ivar whispered in my ear. "We all shared your pain a moment ago."
I cried in his arms and curled up for some time.
They surrounded us and were chanting and shouting and screaming in our faces. I couldn't take it and fell to me knees covering my head and trying to keep the voice from coming.
"Why don't you like me Jessica?" The voice echoed through my mind and I snapped my head up. Everything seemed to moving in slow motion. "Why do you fight me? Why don't you embrace your power as all the others have embraced theirs?"
"Because you're evil!" I shouted, unintentionally out loud. The others looked at me like I was insane. I suppose I probably looked like I was possessed which wouldn't have helped our position any. "I hate you and you will not overpower me again."
"You're half right Jessica," The voice calmly replied. "But remember this rage is buried deep in your heart and I am simply a vessel to focus your desires. I don't just respond to hatred."
I was losing control and I knew what it would do. "Please Ivar..." I could barely whimper, "Please kill me before I do something awful."
The rage overwhelmed me and the flames encompassed my body and I lost control as the voice spoke. It had never spoken for me before but I think it was meant for me, "The sentence for your crimes is being met this day. I am not the harbinger of death of all, only the death of the guilty. Many of you have committed murder and slaughtered many innocent people. I sentence you to burn in the fire of your own guilt."
Almost all those in the mob burst into flames and in moments only a pile of ashes remained. The remaining members of the mob ran in fear. The flames subsided and I began to cry.
Ivar took me in his arms instantly, he had not been afraid. I glanced up and saw Daila and Marty also coming down to hold me.
"Now we know the burden you carry Jessica," Ivar whispered in my ear. "We all shared your pain a moment ago."
I cried in his arms and curled up for some time.
I was glad we made it out alive, but couldn't help but wonder how the others were faring. I was relieved to see Jessica and Ivar make it out alive since they were probably the strongest in the group (besides Jared).
The ground was crumbling beneath us. And the girls started to panic. "I'll try to see if I can control it." Ivar said as he held his hands towards the ground. "Marty, see if you can make that deminsion of yours."
"I can't without a way to support it. What about the others?" I said as I warped time and space.
"We don't have time to waste, Marty. We need to get out of here before the ground swallows us up." Daila urged.
Within minutes I had succeeded in freezing time around us. The four of us could move unnoticed around the flying debris. "Where should we go?" I asked referring to eras in time.
"Well, Mike said this place has been abandoned for hundreds of years so let's go a couple hundred years in the past." Daila suggested.
"Make it so." I grinned as I sent us all back into time. We watched time pass slowly at first, and then at lightening speed. On our journey I saw Johnson lurking around and decided to pick him up.
Then we stopped. Everything was quiet. We looked around, everything was so different. The silence was broken by Johnson.
"What just happened?! Where have you taken us?" He was angry, I don't think he wanted to hitch hike.
"We're two hundred years in the past, to the day." I grinned, very pleased with myself.
"Great, so now what are we supposed to do?" Jessica whined "I have not phone service."
"Witch! Witch!" we heard a small child screaming behind us. "Them kids is witches! They come outta nowheres!"
"Perhaps we should have gone to the dark ages." Ivar blinked in astonishment.
"We've got company." Daila said with terror in her eyes.
A large group of men and women were circling about us with torches. They definitely wanted to kill us.
The ground was crumbling beneath us. And the girls started to panic. "I'll try to see if I can control it." Ivar said as he held his hands towards the ground. "Marty, see if you can make that deminsion of yours."
"I can't without a way to support it. What about the others?" I said as I warped time and space.
"We don't have time to waste, Marty. We need to get out of here before the ground swallows us up." Daila urged.
Within minutes I had succeeded in freezing time around us. The four of us could move unnoticed around the flying debris. "Where should we go?" I asked referring to eras in time.
"Well, Mike said this place has been abandoned for hundreds of years so let's go a couple hundred years in the past." Daila suggested.
"Make it so." I grinned as I sent us all back into time. We watched time pass slowly at first, and then at lightening speed. On our journey I saw Johnson lurking around and decided to pick him up.
Then we stopped. Everything was quiet. We looked around, everything was so different. The silence was broken by Johnson.
"What just happened?! Where have you taken us?" He was angry, I don't think he wanted to hitch hike.
"We're two hundred years in the past, to the day." I grinned, very pleased with myself.
"Great, so now what are we supposed to do?" Jessica whined "I have not phone service."
"Witch! Witch!" we heard a small child screaming behind us. "Them kids is witches! They come outta nowheres!"
"Perhaps we should have gone to the dark ages." Ivar blinked in astonishment.
"We've got company." Daila said with terror in her eyes.
A large group of men and women were circling about us with torches. They definitely wanted to kill us.
I hit the floor and spit a small amount of blood on the ground. I stood up and blocked the other me's jump kick intended for my head. We'd been going at this for a few minutes now and it was as if he maintained his base speed and strength and simply added mine to it, or a portion of mine. He was fast and strong, perhaps more so than Ivar.
"What's wrong Jared?" He taunted me. "Are you too much for yourself to beat?"
I smirked slightly but didn't reply. He growled, "What's so funny?"
"I suppose I probably would be too much for myself," I shrugged. He was bringing another blow to bear. I caught it and threw him into a wall. I added, "But you aren't anything more than a copy."
He stood up and was about to charge when I reached out towards him and formed a small weapon in my out stretched hand and fired. A energized net flew out from the gun and slammed Edmund into the wall. The energy coursed through him and caused him to uncontrollably change between people.
I ripped the wall from its place and placed it so Edmund faced the ceiling, "So Edmund, do you think it was a wise decision to become me still?"
The energy pulse ceased and he spat at me but missed, "Alex won't let you escape this time Jared. Once he has your daughter you'll bow before him."
"You really think so?" I got really close. "I got some good news and some bad news for you."
He didn't respond, "Bad news first. The wall you are attached to was the last wall holding up this room."
"You're lying," He said. "The room hasn't collapsed yet."
"That's the good news," I grinned. "I'm holding it up." I began to stride out of the room.
At the edge I turned back to him and I grinned broader, "Oh yeah I forgot the really bad news. I'm not planning on holding the ceiling up once I leave the room."
Horror overcame his face and he began to scream uncontrollably until the ceiling came tumbling down. The pain and nausea came and his face, his true face, flashed before my eyes. At least I'm not a fool, I memorized the genetic structure required to give someone his power, it's too great a power to let it disappear.
Now to find my daughter and the others.
"What's wrong Jared?" He taunted me. "Are you too much for yourself to beat?"
I smirked slightly but didn't reply. He growled, "What's so funny?"
"I suppose I probably would be too much for myself," I shrugged. He was bringing another blow to bear. I caught it and threw him into a wall. I added, "But you aren't anything more than a copy."
He stood up and was about to charge when I reached out towards him and formed a small weapon in my out stretched hand and fired. A energized net flew out from the gun and slammed Edmund into the wall. The energy coursed through him and caused him to uncontrollably change between people.
I ripped the wall from its place and placed it so Edmund faced the ceiling, "So Edmund, do you think it was a wise decision to become me still?"
The energy pulse ceased and he spat at me but missed, "Alex won't let you escape this time Jared. Once he has your daughter you'll bow before him."
"You really think so?" I got really close. "I got some good news and some bad news for you."
He didn't respond, "Bad news first. The wall you are attached to was the last wall holding up this room."
"You're lying," He said. "The room hasn't collapsed yet."
"That's the good news," I grinned. "I'm holding it up." I began to stride out of the room.
At the edge I turned back to him and I grinned broader, "Oh yeah I forgot the really bad news. I'm not planning on holding the ceiling up once I leave the room."
Horror overcame his face and he began to scream uncontrollably until the ceiling came tumbling down. The pain and nausea came and his face, his true face, flashed before my eyes. At least I'm not a fool, I memorized the genetic structure required to give someone his power, it's too great a power to let it disappear.
Now to find my daughter and the others.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Rain and Sterling
"come on, I know you're tired but I can't carry you, you're too big." Sterling was begging to lean heavily on my shoulder now. At this rate I didn't think we'd make it out alive, but it didn't seem like anyone was following us.
"Can't we just sit for a minute?" he begged for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Ok, but only a minute." I said said as I lowered him to a rock, "I'm timing it." I joked.
"I know it's not safe to stop, but I would almost rather be captured and live than to be crushed from all these rocks. Jared has spent so much time with me to. . .uh. . .well, it was going to be a surprise, but now is as good as anytime I guess."
"What has he been doing to you and Mike?"
"It's obvious, eh?" he was a little embarrassed. "Well, we had this problem. Mike was too old for the girl he liked, and I was too young."
"Oh, I see." I said quietly, not sure what to say. I was about to ask which girl it was until he threw his arms around me and kissed me, nearly knocking me over. I was surprised to say the least, I'd never even given him a second thought. I decided to just go with it and laughed, "I guess that answers my next question."
he blushed and helped me back up to my rock chair, "yeah, sorry, I don't know what came over me."
"Aww, how precious!" A voice came from a dark corner in front of us, "Master will be so pleased to see you again. My, you've grown!" Jeff stepped out towards us, "just my luck, you're weak too." He grinned evilly as he grabbed us both by the arm.
"So he's got you calling him master now? How demeaning! You shouldn't take that from Alex, he's such a little weasel!" I growled at him.
"Yes, Alex is a weasel, that's why master has little use for him. Ah, but you two are his favorites. If you're lucky, he won't kill you and will let you be his personal slave."
"Like you?" Sterling blurted.
"No! You're not good enough to be his minion. Now stop talking or I will knock you out."
"Oh, could you please?" Sterling said sarcastically.
"Anything you wish, your highness." Jeff slugged him in the head, "anything you want, princess?" he gave out a brutish laugh.
"Just get us out of here!" I said as the walls behind us started to falter.
"Good idea." Jeff showed his human side for a second. "I wouldn't want to disappoint my master again."
"Can't we just sit for a minute?" he begged for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Ok, but only a minute." I said said as I lowered him to a rock, "I'm timing it." I joked.
"I know it's not safe to stop, but I would almost rather be captured and live than to be crushed from all these rocks. Jared has spent so much time with me to. . .uh. . .well, it was going to be a surprise, but now is as good as anytime I guess."
"What has he been doing to you and Mike?"
"It's obvious, eh?" he was a little embarrassed. "Well, we had this problem. Mike was too old for the girl he liked, and I was too young."
"Oh, I see." I said quietly, not sure what to say. I was about to ask which girl it was until he threw his arms around me and kissed me, nearly knocking me over. I was surprised to say the least, I'd never even given him a second thought. I decided to just go with it and laughed, "I guess that answers my next question."
he blushed and helped me back up to my rock chair, "yeah, sorry, I don't know what came over me."
"Aww, how precious!" A voice came from a dark corner in front of us, "Master will be so pleased to see you again. My, you've grown!" Jeff stepped out towards us, "just my luck, you're weak too." He grinned evilly as he grabbed us both by the arm.
"So he's got you calling him master now? How demeaning! You shouldn't take that from Alex, he's such a little weasel!" I growled at him.
"Yes, Alex is a weasel, that's why master has little use for him. Ah, but you two are his favorites. If you're lucky, he won't kill you and will let you be his personal slave."
"Like you?" Sterling blurted.
"No! You're not good enough to be his minion. Now stop talking or I will knock you out."
"Oh, could you please?" Sterling said sarcastically.
"Anything you wish, your highness." Jeff slugged him in the head, "anything you want, princess?" he gave out a brutish laugh.
"Just get us out of here!" I said as the walls behind us started to falter.
"Good idea." Jeff showed his human side for a second. "I wouldn't want to disappoint my master again."
Jessica and Ivar
The building collapsed again and Ivar gave up. He had been trying to make a path back to the others without success.
"Well I guess we have to hope they can make it to the evac point," He said. The lights flickered and dimmed, "We should hurry, I can feel the insecurity in the walls. The rest of this place is going to come down."
Jessica led the way out of the building. Ivar was hard pressed to keep up with her.
"How do you know which way is safe?" Ivar asked.
Jessica simply replied, "The way I sense less bloodthirstiness."
Made sense to him so they continued until they could see the outside world. Jessica pulled him by the hand.
"This way," She insisted. A few moments later they found Marty and Daila resting, it looked like they had been in a fight. "Come on you two they'll be here in a few moments, we've got to get to the rendezvous point."
The four of them ran off into the night.
(Decided to make it night time now.)
"Well I guess we have to hope they can make it to the evac point," He said. The lights flickered and dimmed, "We should hurry, I can feel the insecurity in the walls. The rest of this place is going to come down."
Jessica led the way out of the building. Ivar was hard pressed to keep up with her.
"How do you know which way is safe?" Ivar asked.
Jessica simply replied, "The way I sense less bloodthirstiness."
Made sense to him so they continued until they could see the outside world. Jessica pulled him by the hand.
"This way," She insisted. A few moments later they found Marty and Daila resting, it looked like they had been in a fight. "Come on you two they'll be here in a few moments, we've got to get to the rendezvous point."
The four of them ran off into the night.
(Decided to make it night time now.)
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Attack
Kindra had started to freak out even more than before and Jared knew something bad was about to happen.
"Jessica, get Kindra and Rachel out of here," Jared commanded. "The rest of you go with her. I'll delay them."
"We can't lose you again Jared," Rachel cried. "I can't lose you again, not now."
"I'll be right behind you," He smiled at her. "Don't worry. My cars have more than one purpose."
They all left the room just as one of Jared's cars burst through a wall and several weapons came out of various areas.
"Defend this spot until you are out of weapons or ammo, then drive into the enemy ranks and self-destruct," Jared told it. It, of course, didn't respond.
*Outside the base*
Alex was staring in astonishment as several vehicles drove up and began to gun down his soldiers.
"Cali!" He yelled. "Take them out!" He wished Mathis was available but while he was walking he was still too weak to be able to fight effectively and his power still evaded him unless Alex allowed him to borrow power, which made Alex weaker.
Suddenly a large tiger jumped onto one of the cars and tore it to shreds in a matter of moments. Though Jared may have improved them they were no match for her claws. One of the cars was getting shot up pretty well and suddenly jumped into motion and blew up, killing several more soldiers.
Alex growled slightly as Cali appeared beside him, she had several large bruises. Alex ignored her and looked to the street again and he grinned as he saw an old man.
Alex walked up to him and heard him babbling about something. Alex interrupted the man's thoughts, "Nicolas, she's inside the building." The old man seemed to be very eager. "But if you don't destroy those cars she'll get away." Anger flashed across his face and he roared in anger. The power of the roar smashed into one of the cars and sent it flying.
Suddenly a towering monster stood before Alex and he charged the cars ignoring the weapons fire and smashed car after car until only ruins remained.
"I forgot one other thing Nicolas," Alex grinned. "She is trying to run."
Nicolas only grinned as if he was going to enjoy this.
"Remember she can't be harmed kill any you find with her!" Alex yelled as Nicolas shrank somewhat to normal size and ran off extremely fast. "Go with him Cali, bring her back and if he can't kill those with her I'm sure he'll weaken them enough for you."
*Back Inside*
Jared was having to improvise to get through the remains of the base, someone or something had used sonic attacks and knocked down most of the walls in the base. Separating Jared from the rest of them. He heard a noise behind him.
"This way Jared," It was Rachel. "We found a way through."
Something wasn't right, Rachel had been with the other group. Jared followed for a few moments while he checked something. They entered the last standing large room.
"You really shouldn't try impersonating my friends anymore," Jared told him.
"But I really am Rachel," The person said. "I have my powers I can prove it."
"You may be able to mimic her powers but you can't change your genetic structure," Jared answered with a smirk. "Besides not being her I know you are male."
He changed back into what may or may not have been the real him. Edmund stood before Jared. Edmund began pacing Jared and suddenly Jared was the only one in the room, only he was in the room twice.
"I really like this power," The counterfeit Jared grinned. "It is very powerful, I feel like I could bend others to whatever form I desire. Whatever thing I desire."
"It's great isn't it," The real Jared replied. "Let's see how well you can use it." The real Jared charged and the two began fighting.
*In a different part of the base*
"Oh no another collapse," Rachel cried. "We can't get to them and that's the way we came. Sterling, Rain hold on we'll think of something."
"Don't worry about us," Rain shouted through the debris. "Just get out of here."
Rachel sighed but knew they could do nothing to help, the group was now in six pieces. Marty and Daila were together, Ivar and Jessica, Rain and Sterling, Mike and Kim, she was with Kindra and Jared stood alone.
"Jessica, get Kindra and Rachel out of here," Jared commanded. "The rest of you go with her. I'll delay them."
"We can't lose you again Jared," Rachel cried. "I can't lose you again, not now."
"I'll be right behind you," He smiled at her. "Don't worry. My cars have more than one purpose."
They all left the room just as one of Jared's cars burst through a wall and several weapons came out of various areas.
"Defend this spot until you are out of weapons or ammo, then drive into the enemy ranks and self-destruct," Jared told it. It, of course, didn't respond.
*Outside the base*
Alex was staring in astonishment as several vehicles drove up and began to gun down his soldiers.
"Cali!" He yelled. "Take them out!" He wished Mathis was available but while he was walking he was still too weak to be able to fight effectively and his power still evaded him unless Alex allowed him to borrow power, which made Alex weaker.
Suddenly a large tiger jumped onto one of the cars and tore it to shreds in a matter of moments. Though Jared may have improved them they were no match for her claws. One of the cars was getting shot up pretty well and suddenly jumped into motion and blew up, killing several more soldiers.
Alex growled slightly as Cali appeared beside him, she had several large bruises. Alex ignored her and looked to the street again and he grinned as he saw an old man.
Alex walked up to him and heard him babbling about something. Alex interrupted the man's thoughts, "Nicolas, she's inside the building." The old man seemed to be very eager. "But if you don't destroy those cars she'll get away." Anger flashed across his face and he roared in anger. The power of the roar smashed into one of the cars and sent it flying.
Suddenly a towering monster stood before Alex and he charged the cars ignoring the weapons fire and smashed car after car until only ruins remained.
"I forgot one other thing Nicolas," Alex grinned. "She is trying to run."
Nicolas only grinned as if he was going to enjoy this.
"Remember she can't be harmed kill any you find with her!" Alex yelled as Nicolas shrank somewhat to normal size and ran off extremely fast. "Go with him Cali, bring her back and if he can't kill those with her I'm sure he'll weaken them enough for you."
*Back Inside*
Jared was having to improvise to get through the remains of the base, someone or something had used sonic attacks and knocked down most of the walls in the base. Separating Jared from the rest of them. He heard a noise behind him.
"This way Jared," It was Rachel. "We found a way through."
Something wasn't right, Rachel had been with the other group. Jared followed for a few moments while he checked something. They entered the last standing large room.
"You really shouldn't try impersonating my friends anymore," Jared told him.
"But I really am Rachel," The person said. "I have my powers I can prove it."
"You may be able to mimic her powers but you can't change your genetic structure," Jared answered with a smirk. "Besides not being her I know you are male."
He changed back into what may or may not have been the real him. Edmund stood before Jared. Edmund began pacing Jared and suddenly Jared was the only one in the room, only he was in the room twice.
"I really like this power," The counterfeit Jared grinned. "It is very powerful, I feel like I could bend others to whatever form I desire. Whatever thing I desire."
"It's great isn't it," The real Jared replied. "Let's see how well you can use it." The real Jared charged and the two began fighting.
*In a different part of the base*
"Oh no another collapse," Rachel cried. "We can't get to them and that's the way we came. Sterling, Rain hold on we'll think of something."
"Don't worry about us," Rain shouted through the debris. "Just get out of here."
Rachel sighed but knew they could do nothing to help, the group was now in six pieces. Marty and Daila were together, Ivar and Jessica, Rain and Sterling, Mike and Kim, she was with Kindra and Jared stood alone.
A blast from the past
"Where are we going?" Sterling was awoken in the middle of the night."
"We are sending you to a far away place where our ancestors went. There will be good people there to take care of you."
"But why aren't you coming with me?"
"Our place is here, we need to save the kingdom."
"is that why are we sneaking out in the middle of the night?" Sterling asked.
"Sweetheart, our lives are in danger. If you leave during the day you will surely be killed." his mom explained.
"Who would want to kill us?"
"I really don't know, son. But I suspect Deothanos."
"Uncle D? No, that's impossible. He loves us, he'd never..."
"Shh, go inside your ship now and be very quiet." his mother urged.
Sterling climbed into the driver's seat and cried as he watched his parents screaming and running from a dark figure.
"I love you." his voice cracked as little Sterling put the ship into gear and flew off invisibly into the night.
--the next day--
"What have you done with the jewl, Balthasar?" Deothanos demanded of the king.
"It's gone and you'll never find it." the queen spat at him.
"Ah, so you didn't destroy it." and evil grin came across his face.
"Well, then we'll just have to find whoever is hiding it for you and kill them."
The king's face went pale, "We'll never tell you where he is, you tyrant!"
"Well, you're no use to me now, I should just kill you."
"Please, no!" the queen cried out, "we'll give you the jewl if you spare our son's life."
"That won't be necessary." Deothanos grinned all the more evilly. "Kill them, I have what I need. What a shame, you were such a beautiful queen."
---the aftermath---
Deothanos convinced all the people that Balthasar and his family were traitors and took over both planets. He sent scouts to look for Sterling and to spies to find anyone who may be in contact with him.
Sterling's parents had programmed the computer to send him automated messages from home until he arrived to Earth (they hadn't anticipated it taking so long), the messages of course were fake, but sent to give him hope. They had also hidden the jewl in the controls of the ship.
The Jewl's main purpose was the enhance the powers of the user. It only worked for the royal bloodline. Sterling's parents had given him their powers before he left. He is unaware of this transaction. His mother's power was the ability to see time (past, presence and future). Balthasar's ability was much like Deothanos' (because they were brothers) he could manipulate time or rather the speed at which time passes and the effect if has on someone.
This would explain why Sterling did not age more than he did, in addition to traveling faster than the speed of light, he was unconsciously trying to remain a child. Because he had his mother's power he could see what was happening on his home planet until he was too far away. And then as he neared the earth he could see what had happened there. Since his power was mechanical, he unconsciously manifested the other two powers through the ship.
Currently, he is convinced that the ship was programmed to give him information from history and the future.
Before Deothanos had killed the king and queen, he stole their memories. That is how he knew that Sterling had been sent away. Unfortunately, he did not have the ability to trace Sterling as long as he was cloaked. Once Sterling revealed himself to earth, Deothanos was able to find him.
He had one of his minions devise a teleport strong enough to span the gap of space and get him to earth without losing any time. Though, he hadn't anticipated the strength of the teleport to kill his minion. Deothanos was now stuck on earth until he could get the Jewl and enhance Jeff's powers enough to get home. Though, his new plan included taking the whole earth this time, so it would take a lot more power to accomplish.
Once he had manipulated all the magic users on earth, he would take the norms back home to be slaves. Why risk having slaves with Magical powers?
"We are sending you to a far away place where our ancestors went. There will be good people there to take care of you."
"But why aren't you coming with me?"
"Our place is here, we need to save the kingdom."
"is that why are we sneaking out in the middle of the night?" Sterling asked.
"Sweetheart, our lives are in danger. If you leave during the day you will surely be killed." his mom explained.
"Who would want to kill us?"
"I really don't know, son. But I suspect Deothanos."
"Uncle D? No, that's impossible. He loves us, he'd never..."
"Shh, go inside your ship now and be very quiet." his mother urged.
Sterling climbed into the driver's seat and cried as he watched his parents screaming and running from a dark figure.
"I love you." his voice cracked as little Sterling put the ship into gear and flew off invisibly into the night.
--the next day--
"What have you done with the jewl, Balthasar?" Deothanos demanded of the king.
"It's gone and you'll never find it." the queen spat at him.
"Ah, so you didn't destroy it." and evil grin came across his face.
"Well, then we'll just have to find whoever is hiding it for you and kill them."
The king's face went pale, "We'll never tell you where he is, you tyrant!"
"Well, you're no use to me now, I should just kill you."
"Please, no!" the queen cried out, "we'll give you the jewl if you spare our son's life."
"That won't be necessary." Deothanos grinned all the more evilly. "Kill them, I have what I need. What a shame, you were such a beautiful queen."
---the aftermath---
Deothanos convinced all the people that Balthasar and his family were traitors and took over both planets. He sent scouts to look for Sterling and to spies to find anyone who may be in contact with him.
Sterling's parents had programmed the computer to send him automated messages from home until he arrived to Earth (they hadn't anticipated it taking so long), the messages of course were fake, but sent to give him hope. They had also hidden the jewl in the controls of the ship.
The Jewl's main purpose was the enhance the powers of the user. It only worked for the royal bloodline. Sterling's parents had given him their powers before he left. He is unaware of this transaction. His mother's power was the ability to see time (past, presence and future). Balthasar's ability was much like Deothanos' (because they were brothers) he could manipulate time or rather the speed at which time passes and the effect if has on someone.
This would explain why Sterling did not age more than he did, in addition to traveling faster than the speed of light, he was unconsciously trying to remain a child. Because he had his mother's power he could see what was happening on his home planet until he was too far away. And then as he neared the earth he could see what had happened there. Since his power was mechanical, he unconsciously manifested the other two powers through the ship.
Currently, he is convinced that the ship was programmed to give him information from history and the future.
Before Deothanos had killed the king and queen, he stole their memories. That is how he knew that Sterling had been sent away. Unfortunately, he did not have the ability to trace Sterling as long as he was cloaked. Once Sterling revealed himself to earth, Deothanos was able to find him.
He had one of his minions devise a teleport strong enough to span the gap of space and get him to earth without losing any time. Though, he hadn't anticipated the strength of the teleport to kill his minion. Deothanos was now stuck on earth until he could get the Jewl and enhance Jeff's powers enough to get home. Though, his new plan included taking the whole earth this time, so it would take a lot more power to accomplish.
Once he had manipulated all the magic users on earth, he would take the norms back home to be slaves. Why risk having slaves with Magical powers?
"Well done, my minion. You've led Alex right into my trap."
"Yes sir, but you were the one who made it all possible." Jeff was very loyal.
The power surging within me was delicious. This would be a walk in the park compared to taking over those other two planets back home. After a little mind manipulation, everyone saw things my way.
"Did you get what I asked, boy?"
"I did, but that storm stole it away from me."
"You careless brute! I should kill you for that!" I raised my hand to slap him, but stopped, "on second thought, perhaps I will retrieve it myself. I need you to get something else for me. And this time you will not fail."
"Yes, master. But how shall I obtain it?"
"You must go along with Alex, When he raids Jared's fortress. Find the boy they call Sterling and bring him back to me."
"Yes sir, but you were the one who made it all possible." Jeff was very loyal.
The power surging within me was delicious. This would be a walk in the park compared to taking over those other two planets back home. After a little mind manipulation, everyone saw things my way.
"Did you get what I asked, boy?"
"I did, but that storm stole it away from me."
"You careless brute! I should kill you for that!" I raised my hand to slap him, but stopped, "on second thought, perhaps I will retrieve it myself. I need you to get something else for me. And this time you will not fail."
"Yes, master. But how shall I obtain it?"
"You must go along with Alex, When he raids Jared's fortress. Find the boy they call Sterling and bring him back to me."
Alex grinned as he watched his stalker's handiwork.
"We've got you now Jared," Alex turned to one of his subordinates. "Jeff teleport me back to base. I'll ready the men there for the attack. You prepare the rest here for the secret mission."
Once at base it was a simple matter before they were prepared to fight. Half an hour later they were outside and ready to strike.
Alex pressed the button on the side of his headset, "Move in. Take prisoners if possible, kill any that resist except the child. Repeat, do not harm the little girl. Do whatever you like to the rest."
There were hundreds of them attacking. By his last estimate Jared had only a handful, this should be a slaughter.
"We've got you now Jared," Alex turned to one of his subordinates. "Jeff teleport me back to base. I'll ready the men there for the attack. You prepare the rest here for the secret mission."
Once at base it was a simple matter before they were prepared to fight. Half an hour later they were outside and ready to strike.
Alex pressed the button on the side of his headset, "Move in. Take prisoners if possible, kill any that resist except the child. Repeat, do not harm the little girl. Do whatever you like to the rest."
There were hundreds of them attacking. By his last estimate Jared had only a handful, this should be a slaughter.
The Stalker
"Where is she? I know, this way. She's this way." A shriveled, hunched man was thinking out loud. He turned another corner and came to a brick wall that was in the path. "She's through the wall. Through the wall. I must get through the wall." He walked up and slammed a first into the wall. "The wall is stopping me from getting her."
His face cringed up in anger. He screamed at the top of his lungs, "Bad wall! I'll kill you." His countenance suddenly changed and he stood at nine feet tall and was no longer hunched or shriveled, his muscles grew until most body builders would be jealous. "I'll kill you and get my prize!"
He began beating on the wall with his fists until it became apparent this wall would not crumble so easily. His eyes lit up as his magic activated and this time his punch was accompanied by a sonic wave that echoed throughout the area, the wall was no match for a few more blows and it crumbled. Behind the wall was nothing.
"I've been tricked! I'll have to look more carefully this time and make sure it isn't another trick. Which way now. This way, yes this way," He was just a shriveled man again.
Miles away Jared looked ready to panic, "The protective field is down. I think you were right about making a new dimension for us."
His face cringed up in anger. He screamed at the top of his lungs, "Bad wall! I'll kill you." His countenance suddenly changed and he stood at nine feet tall and was no longer hunched or shriveled, his muscles grew until most body builders would be jealous. "I'll kill you and get my prize!"
He began beating on the wall with his fists until it became apparent this wall would not crumble so easily. His eyes lit up as his magic activated and this time his punch was accompanied by a sonic wave that echoed throughout the area, the wall was no match for a few more blows and it crumbled. Behind the wall was nothing.
"I've been tricked! I'll have to look more carefully this time and make sure it isn't another trick. Which way now. This way, yes this way," He was just a shriveled man again.
Miles away Jared looked ready to panic, "The protective field is down. I think you were right about making a new dimension for us."
Talking to Kim came so easily to me now. I was more handsome than I'd been since I hit puberty (and all my hair started falling out), more energetic too. This was the best shape I'd ever been in. I felt like a kid again, it was great. Kim seems to have noticed the change, and likes it too. The kids have been giving us a hard time about spending to much time together, but it doesn't bother me.
After a long talk, we decided to go see what everyone else was doing. We walked into the other room just as Daila said, "they're all making out somewhere." Ivar appeared out of nowhere and questioned the remark at the same time I did.
Jared ignored the comments and went on with the conversation, "let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up."
"No, daddy! Don't." Kindra pleaded. "I don't want that scary boy to come after us. If he finds us, he will kill us all." she was fidgeting in his arms and wrapping her arms very tightly around his neck as she buried her head in his chest.
"Don't worry, we won't let them hurt you."
"No, daddy! No! he's much too powerful. He's not human."
Rain tried to suppress a laugh "none of us are human."
"No, you don't understand!" she was difficult to understand through her tears, "he followed Sterling here. He's from his planet."
"What? That's impossible." Sterling limped in from the other room.
All eyes were on him, he was much taller than he'd been the day before.
"I was alone, completely and utterly alone. For hundreds of years. Trust me, I checked a hundred thousand times, no one was every there. I would have loved to have had someone to talk to."
"He hid himself from your view."
Sterling's eyes got wide, he nearly fell over as Rain helped him into a soft chair. "If he's who I think he is, we've got trouble. Big trouble. I suggest we listen to Kindra. Let's all band together to create another dimension. That should hide us for a while."
"But he'll find us again, won't he uncle Sterling?"
"I'm afraid so, sweetie." he stroked Kindra's hair. "He's a very bad man. He's the one who manipulated my father into sending me away so that he could inherit the kingdom. I bet he slaughtered millions of people."
My blood ran cold, "Even if we all band together, he will still be able to kill us all?"
"Yes, and he will show us no mercy. You must realize, to him I am only a baby. He was 400 years old when I was sent away. That would easily make him 1000 by now."
"But I didn't think our kind could live that long." Jared was confused.
"You're kind cannot, but on my planet there are some with powers that can increase (or degrease) the length of someone's life. He is one of those people, so obviously he would make himself nearly invincible. He is what you would call a God on your planet."
After a long talk, we decided to go see what everyone else was doing. We walked into the other room just as Daila said, "they're all making out somewhere." Ivar appeared out of nowhere and questioned the remark at the same time I did.
Jared ignored the comments and went on with the conversation, "let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up."
"No, daddy! Don't." Kindra pleaded. "I don't want that scary boy to come after us. If he finds us, he will kill us all." she was fidgeting in his arms and wrapping her arms very tightly around his neck as she buried her head in his chest.
"Don't worry, we won't let them hurt you."
"No, daddy! No! he's much too powerful. He's not human."
Rain tried to suppress a laugh "none of us are human."
"No, you don't understand!" she was difficult to understand through her tears, "he followed Sterling here. He's from his planet."
"What? That's impossible." Sterling limped in from the other room.
All eyes were on him, he was much taller than he'd been the day before.
"I was alone, completely and utterly alone. For hundreds of years. Trust me, I checked a hundred thousand times, no one was every there. I would have loved to have had someone to talk to."
"He hid himself from your view."
Sterling's eyes got wide, he nearly fell over as Rain helped him into a soft chair. "If he's who I think he is, we've got trouble. Big trouble. I suggest we listen to Kindra. Let's all band together to create another dimension. That should hide us for a while."
"But he'll find us again, won't he uncle Sterling?"
"I'm afraid so, sweetie." he stroked Kindra's hair. "He's a very bad man. He's the one who manipulated my father into sending me away so that he could inherit the kingdom. I bet he slaughtered millions of people."
My blood ran cold, "Even if we all band together, he will still be able to kill us all?"
"Yes, and he will show us no mercy. You must realize, to him I am only a baby. He was 400 years old when I was sent away. That would easily make him 1000 by now."
"But I didn't think our kind could live that long." Jared was confused.
"You're kind cannot, but on my planet there are some with powers that can increase (or degrease) the length of someone's life. He is one of those people, so obviously he would make himself nearly invincible. He is what you would call a God on your planet."
Friday, July 17, 2009
It was progressing well but I could fell the strain it was putting on Sterling's body.
"I can't do this anymore Jared," He complained. "It hurts so badly."
"Alright," I replied. I opened my eyes and saw the door slide open and shut and a moment later I felt a small presence in my lap. "What's wrong Kindra?"
"I'm scared daddy," She was trembling and still invisible. "One of uncle's bad men can see me. I can't lose his gaze."
"He's made stalkers!" I growled. "And evidently one of them has locked onto you. Don't worry Kindra, you should be safe here."
"Rest Sterling I'll be back in an hour or so and we can continue," I stood up and left the room. I was carrying Kindra. Strange thing was I wasn't tired. I heard some commotion in the next room and I peeked in.
I stepped in a moment later, "Did I missed anything?"
(Have him enter the conversation whenever.)
"I can't do this anymore Jared," He complained. "It hurts so badly."
"Alright," I replied. I opened my eyes and saw the door slide open and shut and a moment later I felt a small presence in my lap. "What's wrong Kindra?"
"I'm scared daddy," She was trembling and still invisible. "One of uncle's bad men can see me. I can't lose his gaze."
"He's made stalkers!" I growled. "And evidently one of them has locked onto you. Don't worry Kindra, you should be safe here."
"Rest Sterling I'll be back in an hour or so and we can continue," I stood up and left the room. I was carrying Kindra. Strange thing was I wasn't tired. I heard some commotion in the next room and I peeked in.
I stepped in a moment later, "Did I missed anything?"
(Have him enter the conversation whenever.)
"Alright gang, looks like our little storm has attracted some attention. Our plan is going great. How's that time warp coming, Marty."
"Not terrible, but there are still a few things I need to work out."
"Such as?"
"Well, I can make it, but I can't sustain it."
"I see. Well, you should ask Jared how he's keeping this place running. There must be some sort of power source he getting his energy from."
"Well, how are you sustaining your sun?"
"Actually, Mike and his environment are sustaining it for me. The sun needs oxygen to stay alive, and Mike needs carbon monoxide like plants. I don't have time to explain it right now, just look at the plant cycle and you'll understand."
Just then Jared entered the room. "What did I miss?"
"Oh, good, you're here." I sighed a breath of relief. "Alex is trying to stir up trouble, so we thought we'd give him a little back."
"I know he is. What are you doing?"
"Nothing much, I'm working on making the entrance here into some kind of time warp so Alex can't come in. And these two just made a big storm." Marty explained.
"Where are the others?"
"Allison is gone. She went to save her parents and probably won't come back." I explained.
"the others are probably making out." Daila half giggled half complained.
"who's making out?"Mike and Ivar said at the same time.
"Good. Everyone is here. Well, almost everyone. Sterling is resting. Let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up for Alex and his friends."
"Not terrible, but there are still a few things I need to work out."
"Such as?"
"Well, I can make it, but I can't sustain it."
"I see. Well, you should ask Jared how he's keeping this place running. There must be some sort of power source he getting his energy from."
"Well, how are you sustaining your sun?"
"Actually, Mike and his environment are sustaining it for me. The sun needs oxygen to stay alive, and Mike needs carbon monoxide like plants. I don't have time to explain it right now, just look at the plant cycle and you'll understand."
Just then Jared entered the room. "What did I miss?"
"Oh, good, you're here." I sighed a breath of relief. "Alex is trying to stir up trouble, so we thought we'd give him a little back."
"I know he is. What are you doing?"
"Nothing much, I'm working on making the entrance here into some kind of time warp so Alex can't come in. And these two just made a big storm." Marty explained.
"Where are the others?"
"Allison is gone. She went to save her parents and probably won't come back." I explained.
"the others are probably making out." Daila half giggled half complained.
"who's making out?"Mike and Ivar said at the same time.
"Good. Everyone is here. Well, almost everyone. Sterling is resting. Let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up for Alex and his friends."
The News Channel
"Today's breaking news," The normal news person announced. His voice cutting through the monotony of normal life. "The president has admitted keeping knowledge of these people with," He looks to the side. "Is this right?" Voices you can't hear respond. "People with abilities unlike anything save the myths from the dark ages could explain. He says it was because he was trying to protect his daughter even though she was trying to destroy him with her lies and fairy tales."
He looked at his co-announcer, "This sounds like a fairy tale."
"That's right Bill," She smirked. "The nations of the world are meeting tomorrow to try and decide what to do about this phenomenon." She turned to Bill, "That'll be a big meeting won't it."
"Yes Susan," He smiled at the camera. "Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"
He turned to a different camera and the perspective jumps to the other, "In other news. Jessica, the president's daughter, is still the number one fugitive in the country. Rumors say she's still in Washington."
The woman looked down for a moment, "Just in is news about a storm brewing over the nation's capitol. Rob Licovich live on the scene."
"It's true Susan," The camera was looking up into a huge dark storm over the city buildings. It was difficult to hear him over the raging winds and rain. "This storm appeared out of no where and has gale force winds, right now we are threatened by being ripped off the ground and hurled into the skies. It is not yet clear if this is natural or if these special people are behind this." A man ran up to him and whispered something in his ear. "I have just been informed we have to evacuated the streets because if a tornado did touch ground we would all be gone. Back to you Susan."
The camera switches back to the news room, "Well I'm glad we aren't in that city tonight, aren't you Bill?"
"Yes indeed Susan," The news report continued with nothing else of note.
He looked at his co-announcer, "This sounds like a fairy tale."
"That's right Bill," She smirked. "The nations of the world are meeting tomorrow to try and decide what to do about this phenomenon." She turned to Bill, "That'll be a big meeting won't it."
"Yes Susan," He smiled at the camera. "Who knows what tomorrow will bring?"
He turned to a different camera and the perspective jumps to the other, "In other news. Jessica, the president's daughter, is still the number one fugitive in the country. Rumors say she's still in Washington."
The woman looked down for a moment, "Just in is news about a storm brewing over the nation's capitol. Rob Licovich live on the scene."
"It's true Susan," The camera was looking up into a huge dark storm over the city buildings. It was difficult to hear him over the raging winds and rain. "This storm appeared out of no where and has gale force winds, right now we are threatened by being ripped off the ground and hurled into the skies. It is not yet clear if this is natural or if these special people are behind this." A man ran up to him and whispered something in his ear. "I have just been informed we have to evacuated the streets because if a tornado did touch ground we would all be gone. Back to you Susan."
The camera switches back to the news room, "Well I'm glad we aren't in that city tonight, aren't you Bill?"
"Yes indeed Susan," The news report continued with nothing else of note.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A Fatefilled Meeting
(I decided to add some coolness to Allison's power, you might figure it out.)
I must say I was scared for my life, not because I feared them killing me. I was more worried that they'd keep me like a pet to heal them whenever they got injured fighting my friends. I saw him lying there helplessly on the bed and I knew he would be difficult, even for me, to heal. There was no escape at this point, no way I could make it away. I hadn't told them where I was going and I didn't know, nor did I want them here. Alex had recruited far to many.
"Go on then," Cali urged me. "Hurry up and heal him."
She pushed me forward and I placed my hands on his arm, "There is nothing wrong with his body. I mean it's burned and scarred but he should be conscious. I don't know that I can fix this."
"Try it anyways," Cali demanded. "Or I'll go visit your parents and sharpen my claws on their flesh."
She was serious, I could see it in her eyes. I wanted to know what had happened to her but I dare not ask with my parents lives on the line. I placed my hands on his head and the unexpected happened. I felt his mind and his pain, his reason for being there. He was hiding, fear had gripped his mind. Something someone had done was totally incapacitated him with fear, so much his body wanted to die. I could feel my power expanding into a new realm, one it shouldn't be capable of and I was suddenly a light standing in a dark room.
I saw a boy curled up in the corner, trembling. I walked over and knelt beside him, "You'll be fine. No one can hurt you here. I can make it all better."
"Did she follow you?" His voice trembled as he spoke. "Please tell me she's not here with you."
"Who are you talking about?" I asked. "Why are you so afraid?"
He didn't tell me as I had expected but he showed me what she had looked like and the power she had wielded that night. Jessica had terrified him, he would have died from the fright alone if it had not been for the modern technology keeping his body alive. His mind was still hiding and perhaps I could heal it. Slowly, it would take a long time.
A few hours later I woke up on the floor. Alex was standing over me, "What happened? You were napping?"
"I was healing him. Just like you said," I retorted. "His body is the least of my concerns, I'll heal that after I heal his mind."
"What's wrong with him?" Alex scratched his head. "How long?"
"A few days, maybe less," I answered. "Maybe more, I don't really know. Oh and he's in a coma because Jessica's power frightened him into it."
He nodded, "You understand of course that I'm going to keep your parents until he's fully healed."
Just then Mathis spoke, "Alli... Allison. This pa.. pain."
I quickly started healing his physical injuries but I was too exhausted from the other to heal him completely.
"Can't you just trust me?" I shouted at him.
"If you swear to it," Alex grinned.
I spat in his face, "Never."
He looked displeased with my actions, "You will heal Mathis and anyone else who gets injured."
"And if I don't?" I instantly regretted saying it.
He had a grin from ear to ear, "You'll wish you didn't heal yourself unconsciously."
Mathis was conscious but weak and for some reason I felt sorry for him. Just what was Alex planning that he needed Mathis.
"Bring her parents to this location," Alex commanded one of them. "That way it'll be easier to motivate her in the future." He glanced back at me and snickered.
I must say I was scared for my life, not because I feared them killing me. I was more worried that they'd keep me like a pet to heal them whenever they got injured fighting my friends. I saw him lying there helplessly on the bed and I knew he would be difficult, even for me, to heal. There was no escape at this point, no way I could make it away. I hadn't told them where I was going and I didn't know, nor did I want them here. Alex had recruited far to many.
"Go on then," Cali urged me. "Hurry up and heal him."
She pushed me forward and I placed my hands on his arm, "There is nothing wrong with his body. I mean it's burned and scarred but he should be conscious. I don't know that I can fix this."
"Try it anyways," Cali demanded. "Or I'll go visit your parents and sharpen my claws on their flesh."
She was serious, I could see it in her eyes. I wanted to know what had happened to her but I dare not ask with my parents lives on the line. I placed my hands on his head and the unexpected happened. I felt his mind and his pain, his reason for being there. He was hiding, fear had gripped his mind. Something someone had done was totally incapacitated him with fear, so much his body wanted to die. I could feel my power expanding into a new realm, one it shouldn't be capable of and I was suddenly a light standing in a dark room.
I saw a boy curled up in the corner, trembling. I walked over and knelt beside him, "You'll be fine. No one can hurt you here. I can make it all better."
"Did she follow you?" His voice trembled as he spoke. "Please tell me she's not here with you."
"Who are you talking about?" I asked. "Why are you so afraid?"
He didn't tell me as I had expected but he showed me what she had looked like and the power she had wielded that night. Jessica had terrified him, he would have died from the fright alone if it had not been for the modern technology keeping his body alive. His mind was still hiding and perhaps I could heal it. Slowly, it would take a long time.
A few hours later I woke up on the floor. Alex was standing over me, "What happened? You were napping?"
"I was healing him. Just like you said," I retorted. "His body is the least of my concerns, I'll heal that after I heal his mind."
"What's wrong with him?" Alex scratched his head. "How long?"
"A few days, maybe less," I answered. "Maybe more, I don't really know. Oh and he's in a coma because Jessica's power frightened him into it."
He nodded, "You understand of course that I'm going to keep your parents until he's fully healed."
Just then Mathis spoke, "Alli... Allison. This pa.. pain."
I quickly started healing his physical injuries but I was too exhausted from the other to heal him completely.
"Can't you just trust me?" I shouted at him.
"If you swear to it," Alex grinned.
I spat in his face, "Never."
He looked displeased with my actions, "You will heal Mathis and anyone else who gets injured."
"And if I don't?" I instantly regretted saying it.
He had a grin from ear to ear, "You'll wish you didn't heal yourself unconsciously."
Mathis was conscious but weak and for some reason I felt sorry for him. Just what was Alex planning that he needed Mathis.
"Bring her parents to this location," Alex commanded one of them. "That way it'll be easier to motivate her in the future." He glanced back at me and snickered.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Since all the "responsible adults" were busy (Ivar and Jessica were training, Mike and Kim were sunbathing, Sterling and Jared were experimenting), I decided to take charge again. I missed the power, and this was a good time to get it back.
"Alright guys, gather around."
Marty, Rachel, Kindra and Daila looked around, "just us?"
"Yes, the others are busy becoming more powerful, I guess. Allison just left. There is a chance she might not be returning. Unfortunately, that is the least of our problems."
"Where did she go? What's going on?" Marty was getting anxious.
"She's gone to save her parents."
Their eyes got wide, "do you think Alex has all of our parents?"
"It's inevitable." I looked down for a minute, then gathered my strength again. "I know you love your parents, but we have to think about the others now. For all we know our parents were killed months ago." I surprised myself with how cold I sounded. "Our location has been compromised. Alex knows where we are. It's only a matter of time before he comes after us."
"I thought only people under contract could enter."
"Yes, but there's a loophole. If you're invited in by a contract holder then the same holds true."
"You mean..." Rachel was stunned.
"Yes, Jared invited Cali in, and she will invite Alex." changing the subject, "Marty, how is that time continuum coming?"
"Is there any way you can alter the entrance to the door?"
"Oh, you mean, make it like a portal to the past or something?"
"I don't know."
"Well, see what you can do. Start small. I don't know how much time we've got, but we need to make this place a lot harder to get into."
"I'll get started right away." He stood up and saluted me, then left to practice in his room."
"Rachel, is there anyway you can make this place so dark that it's invisible?"
"Sure, but how will you guys get around?"
"Jared's night vision glasses."
"I'll help you, Rachel." Kindra interjected.
"What do you want me to do, Rain?" Daila had been sitting quietly the whole time.
"Oh, you and I are going to make the biggest rain storm this city has seen in a hundred years."
She grinned maniacally, "sounds fun, when do we begin. "
"Now." I grinned with her, we both felt the urge to laugh evilly. Alex would have a very hard time getting to us now.
"Alright guys, gather around."
Marty, Rachel, Kindra and Daila looked around, "just us?"
"Yes, the others are busy becoming more powerful, I guess. Allison just left. There is a chance she might not be returning. Unfortunately, that is the least of our problems."
"Where did she go? What's going on?" Marty was getting anxious.
"She's gone to save her parents."
Their eyes got wide, "do you think Alex has all of our parents?"
"It's inevitable." I looked down for a minute, then gathered my strength again. "I know you love your parents, but we have to think about the others now. For all we know our parents were killed months ago." I surprised myself with how cold I sounded. "Our location has been compromised. Alex knows where we are. It's only a matter of time before he comes after us."
"I thought only people under contract could enter."
"Yes, but there's a loophole. If you're invited in by a contract holder then the same holds true."
"You mean..." Rachel was stunned.
"Yes, Jared invited Cali in, and she will invite Alex." changing the subject, "Marty, how is that time continuum coming?"
"Is there any way you can alter the entrance to the door?"
"Oh, you mean, make it like a portal to the past or something?"
"I don't know."
"Well, see what you can do. Start small. I don't know how much time we've got, but we need to make this place a lot harder to get into."
"I'll get started right away." He stood up and saluted me, then left to practice in his room."
"Rachel, is there anyway you can make this place so dark that it's invisible?"
"Sure, but how will you guys get around?"
"Jared's night vision glasses."
"I'll help you, Rachel." Kindra interjected.
"What do you want me to do, Rain?" Daila had been sitting quietly the whole time.
"Oh, you and I are going to make the biggest rain storm this city has seen in a hundred years."
She grinned maniacally, "sounds fun, when do we begin. "
"Now." I grinned with her, we both felt the urge to laugh evilly. Alex would have a very hard time getting to us now.
I was a little surprised when Cali came to visit. When she didn't come in, I knew something was wrong.
"I want you to heal Mathis. His life for your parents'. Your decision." Alex's words echoed in my head as I made my way through the base to say goodbye to everyone. In truth, the only person I wanted to say goodbye to was Kindra.
"But why do you have to go?"
"I need to at least try, they are my parents. You understand?"
"Yes. But I will never forgive you if you don't come back!" She sobbed.
"I will do my best. I want you to do one thing for me though."
"What's that?"
"I want you to promise that you won't go with your mom if she tries to take you back."
"why? you're saving your mom, why can't my mom save me?"
"Just trust me on this, she will not be coming to save you."
She got a little pouty lip, "ok, Allison. it will be hard, but I will not go with my mom."
"I love ya, squirt."
I didn't say anything to anyone else except Rain.
"I'm leaving for the same reason you did. I don't know when I'll be back, if ever. Tell the others to be alert, something big is about to go down. I can feel it."
She just nodded as the tears welled up in her eyes and she hugged me.
I left with Cali silently. I regretted this decision, but I knew I had to swallow my pride and think about my parents now. Though, it had been so long since I'd seen them last that I wondered how they would react to seeing me again.
"I want you to heal Mathis. His life for your parents'. Your decision." Alex's words echoed in my head as I made my way through the base to say goodbye to everyone. In truth, the only person I wanted to say goodbye to was Kindra.
"But why do you have to go?"
"I need to at least try, they are my parents. You understand?"
"Yes. But I will never forgive you if you don't come back!" She sobbed.
"I will do my best. I want you to do one thing for me though."
"What's that?"
"I want you to promise that you won't go with your mom if she tries to take you back."
"why? you're saving your mom, why can't my mom save me?"
"Just trust me on this, she will not be coming to save you."
She got a little pouty lip, "ok, Allison. it will be hard, but I will not go with my mom."
"I love ya, squirt."
I didn't say anything to anyone else except Rain.
"I'm leaving for the same reason you did. I don't know when I'll be back, if ever. Tell the others to be alert, something big is about to go down. I can feel it."
She just nodded as the tears welled up in her eyes and she hugged me.
I left with Cali silently. I regretted this decision, but I knew I had to swallow my pride and think about my parents now. Though, it had been so long since I'd seen them last that I wondered how they would react to seeing me again.
Alex then Cali
It had been a few days since I'd recruited my first new member.
(In other words it's at least a day after Sterling and Jared started to improve Sterling's powers.)
I looked over the group of soldiers working for me. I had gone into the field and found them myself and recruited them, for the most part.
Cali was the name of the girl that had saved my life. She would be useful for a great many things, having connections with Jared and Kindra and knowing where they based. Though even I knew better than to attack them there. I needed Allison; reports I recovered from their old base of operations held her power as being able to heal others and herself. I needed Mathis, his power was exceptional and his condition was deteriorating.
"Alright here's how this is going to go down," I explained. "You three." I pointed at three of the better ones. "You guard these norms, while I go with you four to a decoy area and draw them to me. They will assume I'm guarding her parents. The rest go with Mathis to his location."
One of them raised a hand, "And if she does heal him? What do we do with the norms?"
I blinked, "We let them go of course." They didn't like that and I added with a shrug, "But I never said how long."
Her parents were in the next room and would have been unable to hear us.
"How are we going to trick them into believing you are with her parents?" Cali piped up.
I held up three phones, "These phones. I'll talk with Allison on one of them and when she demands to talk with her parents you'll let them say one of two words and then pretend like you are me and take it back and walk back out of the room. Her parents don't know what Alex looks like so they won't know I'm not here."
No more questions, "Alright then. Cali you're on, you sure you can do this?"
"My daughter ditched me to join them. I'm more than ready. Though if I see Rachel I might not be able to keep myself from killing her." She growled.
"I'd rather they not know you have powers for now," I smirked. I handed her one of the phones and added, "But if you think you can kill any of them, except Allison, and get away, go for it."
She nodded and transformed as she ran towards their base. The Saber Tooth Tiger form she took was quite fearsome, but she couldn't talk that way. I didn't even know if she could take any other form, I'd never asked her.
* On the Streets *
The anger boiled as I got closer to the base, I could smell her. Inside the building, hiding like small rodents hoping the predator will ignore them. I changed back to human, I was glad that my clothes became part of my new form and came back when I shifted out.
I knocked on the door and waited.
Jessica answered the door, "Oh hi Cali. Are you here to see Kindra?"
I shook my head, "Allison actually. Could you ask her to come out here?"
"Sure," Jessica left the door open. "I'll go find her."
All of them were inside the building right now, the smell was a dead giveaway. Allison was two doors down on the right and Rachel was too far in to get an accurate scent. Smells almost became like a second sight for me, but it was strange because even when perfume was placed very close to me it didn't act like I'd have thought and blind it. It was as if my sense of smell was like my eyes and they increased or decreased sensitivity based on ambient light, or in this case smell.
Allison was there a moment later. She stepped out and smiled, "How have you been Cali? We've missed you."
"I've been good," I smiled back. I pulled a look of concern, "Oh just a sec I forgot I had an interview yesterday and need to call them and thank them."
A few moments later I heard Alex answer the phone, "Yeah she's right here."
I handed the phone to Allison, who looked thoroughly confused, "Hello?"
I could hear both sides of the conversation and though my hearing had improved it wasn't as extreme as my sense of smell.
"Hello Allison," I heard Alex say smoothly. "Do you know who this is?"
"Should I?"
"This is Alex and I need something from you," Allison was just staring at me and Alex continued, "I need you to heal Mathis for me. Oh don't worry I didn't expect it to be free, but I figured your parents' lives for Mathis' life is more than a fair bargain. Cali will show you the way and if you don't arrive here with her they are dead. Alright Cali, start making your way here."
I took the phone from the hands of the trembling Allison and said, "Understood."
I hung up and Allison hadn't moved, "Your choice. I'll give you five minutes to say goodbye."
"You aren't worried about them catching you?"
I laughed, "Don't you get it? I work for them now Allison, you are so naive I envy you somewhat." I held up my wrist and sighed, "Four minutes."
She rushed back inside and I grinned. I gave her the time hoping one of them would be stupid enough to rush out to fight me. None of them did, however, and she came out and we left. I knew they were going to plan something and Alex wanted them to. He planned to strike the main base after they had left.
(In other words it's at least a day after Sterling and Jared started to improve Sterling's powers.)
I looked over the group of soldiers working for me. I had gone into the field and found them myself and recruited them, for the most part.
Cali was the name of the girl that had saved my life. She would be useful for a great many things, having connections with Jared and Kindra and knowing where they based. Though even I knew better than to attack them there. I needed Allison; reports I recovered from their old base of operations held her power as being able to heal others and herself. I needed Mathis, his power was exceptional and his condition was deteriorating.
"Alright here's how this is going to go down," I explained. "You three." I pointed at three of the better ones. "You guard these norms, while I go with you four to a decoy area and draw them to me. They will assume I'm guarding her parents. The rest go with Mathis to his location."
One of them raised a hand, "And if she does heal him? What do we do with the norms?"
I blinked, "We let them go of course." They didn't like that and I added with a shrug, "But I never said how long."
Her parents were in the next room and would have been unable to hear us.
"How are we going to trick them into believing you are with her parents?" Cali piped up.
I held up three phones, "These phones. I'll talk with Allison on one of them and when she demands to talk with her parents you'll let them say one of two words and then pretend like you are me and take it back and walk back out of the room. Her parents don't know what Alex looks like so they won't know I'm not here."
No more questions, "Alright then. Cali you're on, you sure you can do this?"
"My daughter ditched me to join them. I'm more than ready. Though if I see Rachel I might not be able to keep myself from killing her." She growled.
"I'd rather they not know you have powers for now," I smirked. I handed her one of the phones and added, "But if you think you can kill any of them, except Allison, and get away, go for it."
She nodded and transformed as she ran towards their base. The Saber Tooth Tiger form she took was quite fearsome, but she couldn't talk that way. I didn't even know if she could take any other form, I'd never asked her.
* On the Streets *
The anger boiled as I got closer to the base, I could smell her. Inside the building, hiding like small rodents hoping the predator will ignore them. I changed back to human, I was glad that my clothes became part of my new form and came back when I shifted out.
I knocked on the door and waited.
Jessica answered the door, "Oh hi Cali. Are you here to see Kindra?"
I shook my head, "Allison actually. Could you ask her to come out here?"
"Sure," Jessica left the door open. "I'll go find her."
All of them were inside the building right now, the smell was a dead giveaway. Allison was two doors down on the right and Rachel was too far in to get an accurate scent. Smells almost became like a second sight for me, but it was strange because even when perfume was placed very close to me it didn't act like I'd have thought and blind it. It was as if my sense of smell was like my eyes and they increased or decreased sensitivity based on ambient light, or in this case smell.
Allison was there a moment later. She stepped out and smiled, "How have you been Cali? We've missed you."
"I've been good," I smiled back. I pulled a look of concern, "Oh just a sec I forgot I had an interview yesterday and need to call them and thank them."
A few moments later I heard Alex answer the phone, "Yeah she's right here."
I handed the phone to Allison, who looked thoroughly confused, "Hello?"
I could hear both sides of the conversation and though my hearing had improved it wasn't as extreme as my sense of smell.
"Hello Allison," I heard Alex say smoothly. "Do you know who this is?"
"Should I?"
"This is Alex and I need something from you," Allison was just staring at me and Alex continued, "I need you to heal Mathis for me. Oh don't worry I didn't expect it to be free, but I figured your parents' lives for Mathis' life is more than a fair bargain. Cali will show you the way and if you don't arrive here with her they are dead. Alright Cali, start making your way here."
I took the phone from the hands of the trembling Allison and said, "Understood."
I hung up and Allison hadn't moved, "Your choice. I'll give you five minutes to say goodbye."
"You aren't worried about them catching you?"
I laughed, "Don't you get it? I work for them now Allison, you are so naive I envy you somewhat." I held up my wrist and sighed, "Four minutes."
She rushed back inside and I grinned. I gave her the time hoping one of them would be stupid enough to rush out to fight me. None of them did, however, and she came out and we left. I knew they were going to plan something and Alex wanted them to. He planned to strike the main base after they had left.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Kim and Mike
They were sunbathing in his room, relaxing and talking.
"Man, I feel amazing."
"You look amazing."
"Ever since Jared started giving me power, I feel younger, stronger, you know? I think I've even lost some weight. And my hair is growing back!"
"Yeah. You look good." she smiled shyly.
"So have you decided whether or not you're going to stay with us?"
"I don't know."
"It wouldn't be the same without you. I'd miss you." he smiled a little flirty smile.
"Yeah, I'd miss you too."
They both leaned back on their sun chairs and closed their eyes as they felt the warm sun gleaming on their faces.
Kindra and Allison were watching from above, since Mike had made his room more of a public place.
"I swear, everyone is pairing off." Allison mumbled.
"Yeah, well that's people do when they like each other."
"Yeah, I guess. But there are two more girls than guys here now."
"Then you will just have to be my partner." Kindra smiled, "best friends forever. You're my favorite big sister, anyway." She snuggled closer as Allison hugged her.
"yeah, best friends forever. who needs boys?"
They giggled until a hand was placed on Allison's shoulder. It was Rain, "I know how you feel. Don't worry, one day you will meet a nice young man one day who'll sweep you off your feet."
Allison smiled warmly at her, "Thanks Rain."
"No problem."
"What about you, Rain? Is there a nice young man in your future?" Kindra giggled.
She picked her up and held her above her in a playful way, "only if you know one you can set me up with. I hear you're quite the matchmaker." she tossed her gently into the air and caught her, they all laughed as she did it again and again.
"Man, I feel amazing."
"You look amazing."
"Ever since Jared started giving me power, I feel younger, stronger, you know? I think I've even lost some weight. And my hair is growing back!"
"Yeah. You look good." she smiled shyly.
"So have you decided whether or not you're going to stay with us?"
"I don't know."
"It wouldn't be the same without you. I'd miss you." he smiled a little flirty smile.
"Yeah, I'd miss you too."
They both leaned back on their sun chairs and closed their eyes as they felt the warm sun gleaming on their faces.
Kindra and Allison were watching from above, since Mike had made his room more of a public place.
"I swear, everyone is pairing off." Allison mumbled.
"Yeah, well that's people do when they like each other."
"Yeah, I guess. But there are two more girls than guys here now."
"Then you will just have to be my partner." Kindra smiled, "best friends forever. You're my favorite big sister, anyway." She snuggled closer as Allison hugged her.
"yeah, best friends forever. who needs boys?"
They giggled until a hand was placed on Allison's shoulder. It was Rain, "I know how you feel. Don't worry, one day you will meet a nice young man one day who'll sweep you off your feet."
Allison smiled warmly at her, "Thanks Rain."
"No problem."
"What about you, Rain? Is there a nice young man in your future?" Kindra giggled.
She picked her up and held her above her in a playful way, "only if you know one you can set me up with. I hear you're quite the matchmaker." she tossed her gently into the air and caught her, they all laughed as she did it again and again.
I was talking to my supervisor at the weekly review I was given. We were using one of the interogation rooms since the conference rooms were being used as holding cells, they were bigger.
"You've been doing what?" He was somewhat curious and intrigued.
"I've been altering their minds so they are more prone to obey me. It doesn't always work, you see I can't force them to work for me, but I can alter their inhibitions so they are more likely to hunt their own or, at least, lead us to them."
"Absolutely brilliant," He grinned widely. "What about that vision everyone with magic seemed to have?"
"Jared is behind it," I explained. "Evidently their was a line of magic users you guys missed a few hundred years ago and they spread and spread. Now their are thousands possibly tens of thousands, maybe even millions if the blood works the same way."
"Thank you Alex. I'll go report this to Lord Minon," He stood up and walked out of the room.
I got up and left to check on one of my prisoners. She was quite beautiful and had, as yet, been untouched by the filth that I was forced to command. They told me if I got enough of my own kind to swear loyalty to this cause they'd let it be only us but that number was unrealistic at best. One thousand they said, one thousand twisted and corrupted by magic, as they put it, and they'd let us be our own sub division.
I decided to go talk to her for the first time since she had gotten here. She looked at me a little funny, "Who are you? I haven't seen you here before."
"I'm the reason they haven't beaten you to a pulp, or worse, for information. I'm the leader of this band of mongrels."
"Oh really?" She laughed. "You? Leader? Well I guess I shouldn't laugh if you really have been protecting me, it's just that you're only a..." She paused and realization of my identity struck, "You're Jared's brother." She growled at me, "Why don't you just kill me and get it over with."
I smiled gently, "I was going to offer to let you join me and become my second."
Her eyes went wide, "Why would you trust me?"
"Because you'd swear to serve me until death," I answered. "This is your one chance. When I walk out that door all protection leaves you and trust me, the dogs are hungry for fresh meat."
"I swear I'll serve you until death," She didn't hesitate.
I guess she knew what I meant by that, "Good." I pulled out the keys and let her out. "Let me show you around our new kingdom."
"Alex," She said. "Let's get one thing straight. I said I'd serve you, I didn't say I'd be your girlfriend."
I nodded, "One thing at a time, I'm not assuming you'll do that but given a chance I think you'll find I'm a nice enough person."
Suddenly I was thrown into a wall at the same moment I heard a gunshot. Behind me a saw one of the new guards pointing a gun at where I had been standing. She ran down the corridor of four her suddenly lengthened arms and pounced on the man. I ran over and just stared as I saw the changes in her body. Her canines had extended and become like razors.
She spoke with a slight lisp because of the two teeth that stuck out, "What do you want me to do with him?" The man was terrified as she held her teeth dangerously close to his neck.
"I don't allow traitors to live, but," I said. "We need to find out if he worked alone or with others. We just had a room open up, put him in your old room and then come back to me."
Now I knew not to anger her, the mist in the base would not affect her power and she would be able to tear me to shreds before I'd even know she had. I walked off thinking about my choices, it was harder to catch the more evil ones because they were more likely to fight and be killed for it, but perhaps I can get them to join me like she had. Mind alteration makes great drones but I have plenty of those for now. I need some captains.
"You've been doing what?" He was somewhat curious and intrigued.
"I've been altering their minds so they are more prone to obey me. It doesn't always work, you see I can't force them to work for me, but I can alter their inhibitions so they are more likely to hunt their own or, at least, lead us to them."
"Absolutely brilliant," He grinned widely. "What about that vision everyone with magic seemed to have?"
"Jared is behind it," I explained. "Evidently their was a line of magic users you guys missed a few hundred years ago and they spread and spread. Now their are thousands possibly tens of thousands, maybe even millions if the blood works the same way."
"Thank you Alex. I'll go report this to Lord Minon," He stood up and walked out of the room.
I got up and left to check on one of my prisoners. She was quite beautiful and had, as yet, been untouched by the filth that I was forced to command. They told me if I got enough of my own kind to swear loyalty to this cause they'd let it be only us but that number was unrealistic at best. One thousand they said, one thousand twisted and corrupted by magic, as they put it, and they'd let us be our own sub division.
I decided to go talk to her for the first time since she had gotten here. She looked at me a little funny, "Who are you? I haven't seen you here before."
"I'm the reason they haven't beaten you to a pulp, or worse, for information. I'm the leader of this band of mongrels."
"Oh really?" She laughed. "You? Leader? Well I guess I shouldn't laugh if you really have been protecting me, it's just that you're only a..." She paused and realization of my identity struck, "You're Jared's brother." She growled at me, "Why don't you just kill me and get it over with."
I smiled gently, "I was going to offer to let you join me and become my second."
Her eyes went wide, "Why would you trust me?"
"Because you'd swear to serve me until death," I answered. "This is your one chance. When I walk out that door all protection leaves you and trust me, the dogs are hungry for fresh meat."
"I swear I'll serve you until death," She didn't hesitate.
I guess she knew what I meant by that, "Good." I pulled out the keys and let her out. "Let me show you around our new kingdom."
"Alex," She said. "Let's get one thing straight. I said I'd serve you, I didn't say I'd be your girlfriend."
I nodded, "One thing at a time, I'm not assuming you'll do that but given a chance I think you'll find I'm a nice enough person."
Suddenly I was thrown into a wall at the same moment I heard a gunshot. Behind me a saw one of the new guards pointing a gun at where I had been standing. She ran down the corridor of four her suddenly lengthened arms and pounced on the man. I ran over and just stared as I saw the changes in her body. Her canines had extended and become like razors.
She spoke with a slight lisp because of the two teeth that stuck out, "What do you want me to do with him?" The man was terrified as she held her teeth dangerously close to his neck.
"I don't allow traitors to live, but," I said. "We need to find out if he worked alone or with others. We just had a room open up, put him in your old room and then come back to me."
Now I knew not to anger her, the mist in the base would not affect her power and she would be able to tear me to shreds before I'd even know she had. I walked off thinking about my choices, it was harder to catch the more evil ones because they were more likely to fight and be killed for it, but perhaps I can get them to join me like she had. Mind alteration makes great drones but I have plenty of those for now. I need some captains.
I had just finished talking with Samantha when I decided to check on Sterling, he could help me immensely if he got to his next level of power. I found him right where I expected he'd be, his room. The door was open but I knocked anyways.
"Come on in," He said. "Your daughter came to see me last night. She's a really special person."
I nodded, "It seems her powers have almost no bounds, doesn't it?" I stepped into his room and closed the door. "I'm going to make you an offer Sterling. It will take days and it will hurt a great deal, so tell me if my basis for it is wrong. Your power and mine are the most similar to anyone here and I think you can help, but you need a boost first and you can help with that too."
"I don't have your level of power yet," Sterling complained. "I can't even alter the metals on this planet."
"But our powers still are not much different," I answered. "You can give me insight that I would not consider because of your very different way of thinking. Anyways, back to my offer." I paused for a moment deciding if I really wanted to give the offer. Finally, I decided he'd earned it, "I've seen the way you look at Rain." His face depressed and I quickly added, "I'm not here to lecture you about the culture of earth. I'm actually here to offer you a way of not having to ignore those feelings. You see, altering genetic structure can also increase of decrease the age of the one being altered. Haven't you noticed how Mike has been looking younger and younger? I can make you look and feel and be older."
Sterling's face lit up in excitement, "Let's get this started."
I smiled slightly, "Alright. It's going to take some time and we can't stop until it's done. A day at the soonest." I turned back towards the door, "Kindra let everyone know not to disturb us and don't leave the base if everyone else does."
This was going to be a long few days.
"Come on in," He said. "Your daughter came to see me last night. She's a really special person."
I nodded, "It seems her powers have almost no bounds, doesn't it?" I stepped into his room and closed the door. "I'm going to make you an offer Sterling. It will take days and it will hurt a great deal, so tell me if my basis for it is wrong. Your power and mine are the most similar to anyone here and I think you can help, but you need a boost first and you can help with that too."
"I don't have your level of power yet," Sterling complained. "I can't even alter the metals on this planet."
"But our powers still are not much different," I answered. "You can give me insight that I would not consider because of your very different way of thinking. Anyways, back to my offer." I paused for a moment deciding if I really wanted to give the offer. Finally, I decided he'd earned it, "I've seen the way you look at Rain." His face depressed and I quickly added, "I'm not here to lecture you about the culture of earth. I'm actually here to offer you a way of not having to ignore those feelings. You see, altering genetic structure can also increase of decrease the age of the one being altered. Haven't you noticed how Mike has been looking younger and younger? I can make you look and feel and be older."
Sterling's face lit up in excitement, "Let's get this started."
I smiled slightly, "Alright. It's going to take some time and we can't stop until it's done. A day at the soonest." I turned back towards the door, "Kindra let everyone know not to disturb us and don't leave the base if everyone else does."
This was going to be a long few days.
Everyone has a purpose, for me that purpose has been full filled. And yet, here I remain. I've done what I set out to do, to warn my brethren and spark some hope for a better future. The whole situation is dismal to say the least.
With our (I say our because I feel like I belong here) own kind fighting against us, very few of us will make it out, I'm afraid.
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a little tickle in my side, followed by a small giggle. "Hi Kinny." I smiled and pulled the small child onto my lap.
"why so sad, uncle Sterling? Everyone else is having a great time at the party."
"I'm just thinking." I replied then went back into a daze.
Everyone else did seem to be having a great time. Forgetting all the cares in the world, which was easy since we had cut off the rest of the world completely.
Most didn't realize it yet, but they had a divine calling to save this world from demise. Even the ones who didn't feel that they had a very valuable power, we immensely important. But I was not. My mechanical abilities were not compatible with the mechines of this world. The alloys I could create/manipulate weren't even available on this planet, and their alloys were not on my planet. So you see my dilemma.
Not only that, everyone had these strong emotional connections. Here, they refer to it as love. It is a foreign concept to me, but the more I observed the others being consumed by this emotion, the more curious I became. But I know it is impossible for me to explore these feelings. Love seems to be connected with age, with the exception of Mike's love for Kim (he hadn't told anyone but myself). To them, I was much younger, but to me I was much older than any of them. The only one who could really relate to me would be Kindra, being that she was a baby in their eyes but she had the wisdom of many generations. She didn't seem to care though. She liked being the way she was.
"It's ok, uncle." she patted me on the head, "daddy will make it all better."
I didn't know what she meant, but I hugged her and thanked her for trying to make me feel better.
With our (I say our because I feel like I belong here) own kind fighting against us, very few of us will make it out, I'm afraid.
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a little tickle in my side, followed by a small giggle. "Hi Kinny." I smiled and pulled the small child onto my lap.
"why so sad, uncle Sterling? Everyone else is having a great time at the party."
"I'm just thinking." I replied then went back into a daze.
Everyone else did seem to be having a great time. Forgetting all the cares in the world, which was easy since we had cut off the rest of the world completely.
Most didn't realize it yet, but they had a divine calling to save this world from demise. Even the ones who didn't feel that they had a very valuable power, we immensely important. But I was not. My mechanical abilities were not compatible with the mechines of this world. The alloys I could create/manipulate weren't even available on this planet, and their alloys were not on my planet. So you see my dilemma.
Not only that, everyone had these strong emotional connections. Here, they refer to it as love. It is a foreign concept to me, but the more I observed the others being consumed by this emotion, the more curious I became. But I know it is impossible for me to explore these feelings. Love seems to be connected with age, with the exception of Mike's love for Kim (he hadn't told anyone but myself). To them, I was much younger, but to me I was much older than any of them. The only one who could really relate to me would be Kindra, being that she was a baby in their eyes but she had the wisdom of many generations. She didn't seem to care though. She liked being the way she was.
"It's ok, uncle." she patted me on the head, "daddy will make it all better."
I didn't know what she meant, but I hugged her and thanked her for trying to make me feel better.
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