Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No Dream for Victor

Staring up at the ceiling I wondered if this was what death felt like. My skin seemed to burn and I was having minor trimmers. Some of the medical devices were beginning to beep, my only course of retaliation was the morphine button. I knew I had to stay awake, who knew what unconsciousness would bring. The eerie part was that my body was screaming for sleep.

The time was about 7:00 pm(what ever time the eclipse happened) and my life was on the line. The Doctors drew near and were barking jumble to each other, I-V’s and breathing apparatuses were everywhere. “At least I’ll see Marco again and be able to smirk at his smug face.” Marco was a “buddy” sort of, he died in one of the first raids. He may have been a complete stoker but that was probably the only person I would want to taunt before I headed towards the pearly gates.

“Marco you hear that, I’m going to see you! soo-” the chaotic laughter was stifled by the oxygen mask.

"He’s becoming delusional. Wonder who Marco is- " the doctors’ comments were interrupted as a sweeping motion knocked them over as a ghostly figure stood opposite the room.

His face was pimply from all the oils in the hemp he used to use and he seemed to still have the twitch, he was need’n a fix.

I stayed deathly still as the figure rediscovered that he was dead, screamed and tore through a wall creating havoc with whatever he touched. “Oh crap, what just happened?”

(tune in next time to see what happens with Marco's Ghost, will he pummel him to re-death or figure out his new powers- see how Victor's family reacts to a supernatural dad and if ghost busters can acutally do anything.)

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