Thursday, April 30, 2009
After a moment of silence, "thanks again for the ride. I didn't really want to walk home in the rain."
"could've surfed" he joked, referring to the way I was riding waves in the cafeteria.
Normally I would have slugged him for that kind of comment, but I was too tired to argue. Once we got to my house, I pulled out one of my old year books. "My parents said that the 'angel' blessed us while we were in the NICU. That means that it will mostly be kids our age, with close birthdays. They said a lot of the kids either moved away or died. The oldest kids would be 21 by now. Though, I could've swore there was an old guy there. But he didn't talk to the light, if I remember correctly. Like he was there by mistake. Anyway, so how should we do this?"
I didn't really want to cut up my yearbook, so we decided to use my dad's scanner. It'd be much easier to keep track of them on the computer anyway.
"Alright, we'll start with the obvious, you and I. Let's make a new folder. . .hello, what's this? That's never been there before." There was a folder in the middle of my computer desk top that said "Chosen ones." I double clicked it, a database sprung open. There was a list of names with pictures, date of birth, location, and if they were still living.
"Whoa, why do you have all the information?"
"My parents, uh. Well, I may as well tell you. They have been researching this phenomenon for 16 years. They met the woman in person. They said she was glowing. When the nurses weren't looking, they went around and copied down all the names and birth dates of the babies the lady touched. They apparently are obsessed with this whole thing. They have kept track of the children as best as they could, watching the obituaries and such. They said they even got Officer Taber involved."
I explained everything as well as I could, Ivar just stared at me in shock. I could tell he was debating whether or not to run.
"Look, you can leave if you want. My mom should be home from her Yoga class any minute now. I wouldn't blame you if you're too freaked out to stick around. My parents have that effect on people." He shook his head, so I continued going through the folder. "Amazing, sixteen years ago we all started out in the same room. As far as anyone could tell we were all the same, and look at us now. Cheerleaders, geeks, jocks, and of course misfits. It's like we came from different planets. Though, sometimes I wonder." I joked. He gave me a half smile, that quickly went away when the door flung open.
"Sweetie! I came home as soon as I heard! What on earth went on at lunch today? Is this the boy who threw rocks at you?" She stopped short, realizing we weren't alone.
"The one and only. We found your folder."
"Oh, I told your father it was too soon. Stop that, let's discuss this over cookies and milk."
Rain Storm Landon was standing there. She asked, "So I need a ride home and I'd prefer not to tell my parents about this until absolutely necessary. They both work."
I sighed and motioned for her to get in, "Look I'll give you a ride but..." I trailed off. I didn't want to say it, that stupid light better be right.
"But you don't like me and don't want to do it, but you are because you are nice?" She filled in the obvious gap and added a bit.
"I didn't mean it like that," I tried to take a step back, instantly regretting my hesitation. "Look, that dream we had, that light told me I had to abandon my dreams or risk losing my powers. It said that even if I did follow my dreams I still wouldn't be able to reach them until this enemy is defeated. I need your help and you need mine and we need to find the others, otherwise we'll be defenseless against them."
"So why don't we go back to my place and brainstorm all the people that we saw in the dream that we know and go find them," Rain suggested.
I nodded, "Your place it is, but I know right now you aren't going to like one of the people who was there."
"My girlfriend."
I smirked as she went silent and I started the car, "Directions please."
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Suprises yet unkown
A few things that went unexplained in the mind of Victor. Like why he was able to move. Then after he was possessed(the ghost don’t ask) he was able to fight the ghost physically(he said he wished he was able punch him.) But now he was at the top of the parking place and things were getting edgy. The ghost was too mobile and able (he could go through walls). The sun was rising so Victor’s last resort was Diplomacy.
“Marco, Stop!”
“You know my name?”
“You’ve been dead for 14 years-I’m “Sammy” you know, bong buddies?”
“You became a cop Dude! How’d thy let you in with your record?”
“I was under cover; you know it was my job to turn y’all in.” putting his arm around transparent Marco. “But if I was really a pot smok’n druggy, I’d totally.”
“You don’t even care that I’m dead”
“Dude you were a dead beat when you were alive. ”
“that’s right Marco I’m your friend. Just put down the jeep and we’ll talk about this. I promise I’ll help yah.”
“I promise to always keep my word.” Shudder “the car.”
“Right, Sammy, right.” Smashing of the car as it fell over the ledge and off the building. “Now that the car is gone and you know you’re dead you can go back. Where ever you came from. ”
A few moments and some grunting from the ghost. Victor “you can’t go back?”
“Well, Sammy, I’m trying.”
“Name's Victor”
“that’s a nice name”
“I don’t know maybe it’s like one of those 'I came back for a reason' things. Maybe I need to correct one of those things in my life.”
“Marco you had no life.”
“Maybe I need to get one”
“Marco you're Dead!”
“oh, right”
“let’s see maybe it’s like you have to fulfill one last wish then you can go back.”
The ghost persisted on thinking then spoke “I guess I could really go for a Bong. That’s what I choose, though I have no lungs. Hmmm… May I could posses y-”
“no I’m a cop, I obey the law-“ Shudder, Gah! Why am I getting all these trimmers!
“Sammy, you alright?”
“Victor, and I've got to go home.”
“Home, what’s there?”
“My kid”
“whoa you’re like married”
“No, but Marco you as my witness I won’t rest till I see my kid” Shudder
(FYI shudders symbolize the command being registered. The magic enforcing it, because he said he wouldn’t break his word. Also Victor can’t sleep that morning and takes the bus to his house.)
---back in the hospital
The doctor’s collect themselves off the floor and look at the blood bag that was connected to Victor.
Johnson Taber
All these strange things seemed to be happening in the last few days. I couldn't quite explain it. My dad was in the hospital, my uncle was trying to adopt me (yes, I know, I am not that naive), and my gir-uh best friend just turned into a whirlpool!
Ok, let me back track a little. That night when I was over at her house I knew something was up when her parents saw us together. They kept grinning at us and whispering amongst themselves. I tried to brush it off, but when they told us to go outside and watch the eclipse with them something weird happened. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but after seeing Rain's explosion today I was not sure what to expect. While we were standing there, I could have swore that a big gust of wind came by suddenly knocking Rain off her feet. When I grabbed her hand to help her up she slipped, he hands were soaked. It was pretty warm that night, so I figured she'd been sweating a lot or something.
I got chills just thinking about it. After the principal broke up the mob, I walked over to where it all started. My lunch was still there, but everything around it was smashed or soaked. I didn't know if I should tell my dad, but I had a strange feeling that he might be more understanding that usual.
I wondered if the recent events had anything to do with that strange dream I had had that night. Was it possible that I actually had some kind of magical power? And if I did, would my dad have super powers as well? Nah, not likely. Otherwise he wouldn't be bedridden in the hospital. Maybe it was just some bizarre prank I wasn't aware of. But then again, why would Rain collaborate with a senior on the football team to play a prank on . . .well, everyone? Good thing I was covered in lunch, that was a good enough excuse to go home early. I had to see my dad as soon as possible.
I arrived at school on time, having eaten at a local restaurant. I ignored the cheers and applause and continued my day until lunch. I accidentally bumped into someone on my way to my table I always sat at and his lunch was spilled all over his body.
"Hey," I heard a familiar voice. "You think that just because your on the brute squad you can do whatever you want?"
I tried to ignore the voice and walk off but something hit me in the head. I turned around and instantly recognized her. I took a deep breath as she threw a metal spoon as me. I moved to deflect it and as I did so it flew back and smacked her in the head. She looked away for a moment and looked back with a black eye. I couldn't help but smirk.
The other guy stepped away and backed up, hiding.
I laughed, "So your boyfriend is going to just walk off? What a wimp."
"He's not my boyfriend stupid," She said as she looked outside. I looked and saw the rain.
Before I knew what hit me I was knocked over by a torrent of water, as it flew through the glass. Water control hm? I grinned as the students were now scattering away. Only a few of the bravest remained, the sprinklers overhead had also triggered for some reason. The tables had metal frames and I smirked. I was cold and wet and well, water was floating in the air.
I used my powers to pick up a table and toss it in her direction. Evidently she was very mobile as she ran across the surface and jump in my direction, the water following. I dodged the attack at the last second and swung my fist at her side. The water gathered at her side and absorbed most of the punch.
I jumped back away from her, "That's cheating."
She shook her head, "You think that's bad? Watch this."
The water all around me formed into a wall of some kind. She put her hands together and as her hands closed the wall shrank.
"Tell him your sorry!" She yelled at me.
"No, you haven't beaten me yet!" I retorted.
I looked outside into the rain and saw a patch of dirt. I called it and in a moment it had broken through her barrier and floated around me in small chunks. The storm intensified and tore the roof off the cafeteria where we were. I began throwing the chunks at her and she started deflecting them with the water. One finally landed a solid blow in her chest and knocked her back, slightly disrupting her control on the incredibly high volume of water.
I saw the momentary weakness and jumped into the air, boosting my height with the earth and formed some of the rocks into a glove around my right hand and slammed into, what was supposed to have been her. However, she had regained enough control of the water to get it to move her out of the way. The shockwave caused when I hit the ground shattered the nearest wall.
I stepped back and paused as I was tiring quickly. I noticed she was also breathing heavily. I walked over and offered my hand.
"Look I'm sorry about that," I motioned back at the room. "Truce?"
She took my hand and stood, "Truce."
"You two are in so much trouble!" The principle yelled at us. "You are both suspended until further notice and if I have my way you'll both be expelled. And I'll press criminal charges if they can prove what explosives you used in here."
"My parents are going to kill me," I sighed. I walked out of the room to get my books.
Rain's Parents
No Dream for Victor
Staring up at the ceiling I wondered if this was what death felt like. My skin seemed to burn and I was having minor trimmers. Some of the medical devices were beginning to beep, my only course of retaliation was the morphine button. I knew I had to stay awake, who knew what unconsciousness would bring. The eerie part was that my body was screaming for sleep.
The time was about 7:00 pm(what ever time the eclipse happened) and my life was on the line. The Doctors drew near and were barking jumble to each other, I-V’s and breathing apparatuses were everywhere. “At least I’ll see Marco again and be able to smirk at his smug face.” Marco was a “buddy” sort of, he died in one of the first raids. He may have been a complete stoker but that was probably the only person I would want to taunt before I headed towards the pearly gates.
“Marco you hear that, I’m going to see you! soo-” the chaotic laughter was stifled by the oxygen mask.
"He’s becoming delusional. Wonder who Marco is- " the doctors’ comments were interrupted as a sweeping motion knocked them over as a ghostly figure stood opposite the room.
His face was pimply from all the oils in the hemp he used to use and he seemed to still have the twitch, he was need’n a fix.
I stayed deathly still as the figure rediscovered that he was dead, screamed and tore through a wall creating havoc with whatever he touched. “Oh crap, what just happened?”
(tune in next time to see what happens with Marco's Ghost, will he pummel him to re-death or figure out his new powers- see how Victor's family reacts to a supernatural dad and if ghost busters can acutally do anything.)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Eventually I gave up and went to the kitchen to eat something. I would decide what once I got there. To my surprise, my parents were sitting at the table with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. "We have been expecting you." My mother grinned.
"Oh-kay." I said cautiously as I sat down.
"I know this must seem really strange, but we know something happened today. We have been waiting for this day for sixteen years." My dad explained as he and my mom grinned like kids in a candy store.
"So, enlighten me." I scoffed.
"You see," my mother started,"The day you were born a woman escaped from an ancient prison. We had heard stories of her existence, but never knew whether she was real or not."
"Her husband either." My dad cut in.
I raised an eyebrow, "And who is she? the puberty fairy?"
My parents chuckled a little and grinned as they took my hands, "Something very special happened that day at the hospital. The woman was hiding in the NICU when we were brought in to visit you. She was glowing like an angel. One by one she gave all the children a gift, and as she did her glow lessened. She smiled at us as she passed by, and we thanked her for choosing you as one of her children."
"So what you are telling me, is that an angel went around the NICU and blessed all of the children?" I smirked, this was unreal.
"Well, she is not really an angel, but to us she is. You know, your friend Johnny was there." My dad continued.
"Yes, he and many others from your school, I am sure. As this angel touched every child we asked her what gift she had given them. She just smiled and told us we would know soon enough. But she did tell us what your gift was. She said you would be able to control the rain and the seas and use them to do good for the world."
"Yeah, well, this angel of yours visited me in a dream and told me I was to conquer some evil that is coming. But I do not have any special powers, I never have and never will." I stood up, this was just like my parents. They were always trying to make me believe in fairy tales.
"Wait," my father said, gently touching me on the shoulder. "Will you try something for me? You see this dish of water, see if you can make waves in the water."
I gave them a hopeless look, but they were so anxious I knew I would not be able to go to sleep until I did what they wanted. Fine. I leaned over the table until my eyes were level with the dish. I stared at it for quite some time saying alright dish, move! When I was about to give up, the dish jumped off of the table and onto my fathers head. He was shocked, but we all started laughing, and so my mom told me to try something else. Part of me wanted to go back to bed, but the other part was curious to see what else I could do.
I was a pretty normal kid, at least I thought I was: I was the star football player, my girlfriend was the head cheerleader, and my grades were, well, straight A's. I had no idea what I was thinking.
My family life was far from normal too but, I had never thought anything of it. I had four siblings, three sisters and one brother. All the sisters were older than me, most had moved out and married or were in college, or both. My brother had come as a little bit of a surprise, my mom had been forty-four when he was born. I guess the surprise was that he lived not that he came. He was born with a bone marrow deficiency and I was the only perfect match they could find. Fortunately, I was in good health and they could harvest a great deal of marrow and put it in him. Unfortunately, he had become quite attached to me, not that he remembered anything I was just the older brother and he adored me since dad was away all the time.
I was told that I had saved his life, well he never acted like it. He was a pest to be sure and always tried following me when I was out with Jessica, or any of my other girlfriends I'd had before her. I was just lucky Jessica didn't mind him occasionally being around. She was the most amazing girl I'd ever met. She laughed at my completely stupid jokes, and not laughing at me either. I suppose she probably made a lot of girls jealous because of the attention I paid her but, she had no idea how jealous the other guys in the school were that she was my girl. It was a good thing I'd taken self-defense classes. Even though I hadn't wanted them my dad had insisted. I'd lost count around twenty for the number of fights I'd been in over her, not that I'd wanted to get in them it was just that the first guy I beat was a gang member and so well... You get the idea.
My dreams...
I wanted to play football, but I think I wanted to marry Jessica more, as silly as that sounds. I mean I'd only known her since the beginning of this school year, but that didn't matter in my head. I'd pictured us owning our own house in the country and no one coming to bother us, just owning some stock like my dad was teaching me on the rare occasion he was home. The football dream hadn't completely slipped away but I wasn't betting everything on it. It was more of, if they wanted me for their college team I'd go if not then I wouldn't worry about it.
Everything changed last night, I was lying in bed around four in the morning and I couldn't get the words or images out of my head. The light had spoken to each of us but had only spoken the personal words loud enough for the one it was meant for to hear it. It had told me I'd have power of the earth like had never been known in the history of this world or any other world. It explained I had to keep my word and my honor in order to retain this power too and it warned all of us of the coming enemy. Well it had given me specific instruction concerning that and the instruction nearly tore me to pieces and I knew I had to find a different path.
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Dream
After each of us was done it spoke to all of us, "Now you must find and protect each other from the coming shadow of darkness that would try and squash out your lives, trampling them underfoot and extinguishing the light that you all hold. Gather together in what small groups you now see set before you and then set forth to find the others and gather in all."
The light faded from our dreams and we awoke, all at once.
"Yeah, well he thinks that maybe my dad would be normal if he had a social life in high school."
"Funny, my parents were the most popular kids in school, and look how crazy they are."
We looked out the window, "Oh geez! Why do they always have to make out in front my house! I mean, my uncle's house."
"Let's egg them!" I was always getting John in trouble, he was such a pushover sometimes. Though he was hesitant, he followed me out the door with a carton of eggs.
"You know, we're going to have to pay for these, right?"
"You're such a pansy!" I picked up one of the smooth eggs and rubbed it with my fingers this is going to be great. I positioned my arm and was about to throw the egg at Jessica's bottom when a bunch of cars came screeching to the curb. "Quick, duck behind the bushes."
"what the. . ?" Johnson mumbled as he crouched behind me.
"looks like someone has a little secret! she must be important to have all those bodyguards." I looked over at Johnson who had suddenly become very quiet.
"Dude, what just happened?"
Ivar Dannson
I was the best running back in high school in my state, possibly the country, of course even the best gets hurt slamming into the ground. The enemy team was gunning for me, I guess scoring that touchdown and getting my team ahead was a mistake. The score was 15-13. I'd made one of the touchdowns and gotten in range for the other one, but now they kept hitting me and hitting me hard.
It was a simply play, but it all went terribly wrong, two of the linemen caught the hand off, which was intended to look like a fake, and broke off to stop me. The first one hit my legs and grabbed my feet while the other slammed into my torso. My body tumbled backwards, but one of my feet did not move. I knew it was probably broken and it hurt like nothing I'd ever felt before, but I ignored it like I'd been taught by my sensei and moved to the sidelines.
"Dannson you okay?" That was my coach, he used my last name like it was going out of style.
I nodded, "Just give me a few minutes coach, that last hit hurt me a bit."
"Lemme take a look I coulda sworn I eard somethin pop," The coach said in his accent.
I pushed him away and looked him firmly in the eyes, "I said just give me a minute and I'll be out there."
Well a minute turned into half the game and they had to turn the lights on as the total eclipse drew near. The eclipse began and there were five minutes left in the game. The eclipse ended and no one had noticed the small seizures I'd had during the eclipse, except perhaps my girlfriend who was on the cheer squad. I felt different now that it was over, stronger, faster. It was too late though, the enemy had scored and we were down five points.
I walked over to the coach as he was giving a pep talk and realized I wasn't limping anymore, I guess I'd just sprained it, very lightly. Yeah I know something wasn't right about it but who knows.
"We need somethin special on this play, we got one ten seconds left and only two timeouts," He said calmly. "Johnson you and--"
I interrupted, "Put me out there coach."
"You're injured I ca--"
I interrupted him again and the ground started to shake as I spoke, "Put me out there coach and I swear to you nothing in this world will be able to stop me from getting a touchdown."
No one had noticed but my team and the coach but he nodded, "I believe you can do it." The whole team was nodding as well.
The play was simple, I got the ball, hooked left around the mass of players and got as far as I possibly could before being tackled.
The ball was hiked and hit my arms. I took off, I felt like I was free and I moved around the left side, two linemen and the safety were headed my way. I just ran as fast as I could and slammed into the first lineman and then the second, both were knocked clean away from me, barely slowing me down. The safety was a big guy and I could hear my coach yelling at me to go around him but I couldn't help myself, I had to try this power I felt.
I slammed into him even harder than I had slammed into the others and he was knocked backwards a few feet and landed on his back. I ran for the touchdown and finally got there, a 98 yard run. The bell had rung during the run but we still had to kick the extra point, which was successful. My girlfriend went crazy during and after my run, I could hear her screaming in excitement and it was kind of wierd. The adrenaline had died down now and things were returning to normal, the noises weren't quite as loud and my team running carrying me out onto the field. The state championship was ours.
I made them put me down and yelled above the noise to those closest, "We all did this, not just me."
The game settled down and everyone was getting in their cars and heading home, some a lot longer than others. My girlfriend came over to where I was just relaxing on the bench thinking about the game.
"My dad gave me permission to get a ride home with you," She said slyly.
She had only been my girlfriend for a couple of months since she was knew to the school. I was probably the only kid in school who knew her true identity.
"Really? Your dad gave you permission to ride with a guy like me this late at night?" I looked around and sure enough saw the bodyguards. "Oh yeah, those guys are everywhere."
She removed something from her ear and tossed it at one of them, "Let's go."
She had probably thrown a listening device at them as they began to close in on us, she had a knack for getting me in trouble with her dad's bodyguards. We outran them to my car, which was already started and got in before they even saw which one, there were too many people out here still to just stop everyone and we snuck away in the multitude of vehicles.
We were parked a few blocks from her house, doing what most teens would do, making out in the back seat for a few hours. Unlike most teens when it got a little too personal we both backed off.
"I think this is good night." We said in unison and then laughed as she turned her cell phone on and called a number.
"Well they'll be here momentarily," We both got out and I got in the front seat.
"I'll wait here til they get here," I smirked. "See you at school tomorrow."
"If they don't catch you again," She teased.
I grinned, "I'm just lucky your dad likes me."
She leaned over and inside the front window and kissed me on the lips and smiled, "You're right it is a good thing he likes you, Ivar."
"Good night Jessica."
Several cars pulled up and I pulled out, after she had gotten her head out of my window. We'd done this several times and always parked in the same spot, my guess was they watched the location and just didn't move in because her dad felt somewhat sorry for her. I got home and hopped into bed. To sleep, perchance to dream.
Rain Storm Landon
My best friend is this kid named Johnson Taber. He's a pretty normal kid, but he gets me. Probably because his dad's a nut job, he's cool though, he thinks my name is Britney.
Funny story, we were hanging out after school when his dad came to get him. His dad was introducing himself and asked my name, as a joke I said Britney and he believed me. I don't even look like a Britney. But, John and I figure his dad's more likely to let him hang with a girl named Britney than a girl named Rain Storm.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Victor Taber

"You got's it all, I swear, Bruno. You know me honest to the teeth."
"I want my money" they searched me. "Sam this ain't money" it was worse. They found my wire.
"How did I?"
The Doctor jumped in. "Since your blood type is so rare, Mr. Taber, your boy saved your life." Looking at my boy I said the most heart felt thing I could think of "you're still not going to that party at Britney's."
"Dad!" he complained but he knew I loved him. After some balloons and some cake.
The boy walked out of the room and cousin Jerry walked up. "Victor, you can't keep doing this to the boy."
"Don't worry I'll get out-"
"You've been saying that for years victor." plopping some papers on to my chest. "he needs a family thats more stable. Johny needs a better home."
that'd be great for me and Johny to see together (his full name Jonson Tabor).
"Told you three times, Mr. Taber, you'll have to be here 46 hours more, till you can be released." The documentation debriefing always takes a while. A cover up death was always a bugger of paper work. "thanks nurse... thanks"
This has to be the last case. Finish up the court reviews make the sting-finish the paper... who was I kidding I'm still going to be a cop. I just need more time with my kid.
Friday, April 24, 2009
A New Beginning
She whispered a bit of hope to herself, "So magic will not die with me after all." She looked into the light streaming from the doors and her appearance was that of a human adult in her mid thirties but her eyes looked very old and tired. She made her way inside and found the nursery. There must have been more than fifty children in here, an abnormally large number, varying in age from newborn to a few weeks old. There were few that were older but had had health complications, the oldest being about five, though they weren't in the nursery.
She disguised herself as a nurse and began gifting each child with a different gift. Her body began to shine with her dwindling life as she did so, she should have been much younger when she did this but they had tricked her and her husband into becoming prisoners or losing their powers. That is until now, but only because he had died first.
Most of the children would be like her and have the most common gift, telekinesis, some would be able to create fire with their minds, some would have power over ice and water, and some would manipulate the earth. The strength of which they control them differs for each child. As a side effect, once the powers became manifest in sixteen years, the effects of aging would lessen and their lifespans would increase, their muscles would become denser, yet weigh the same, allowing for great feats of strength and speed, their minds would sharpen and the universe would literally bend to their will, but it comes at a serious price.
Your word is your bond or you lose your powers until you redeem yourself. The powers also drain on the physical strength of the user, the stronger the more you can do, and the endurance of the user, they will tire quickly if not careful even if they have the strength to do it.
She finally finished and began her way out of the hospital, many of the children won't live to adulthood and others will reject the powers and abandon them, but for those that embrace it they will all receive a dream when their powers activate during the total solar eclipse in sixteen years. The dream will explain how the powers work and that they must find each other to protect each other from the enemies that exist.
She made it to the edge of the city when the hunters finally caught up to her. They didn't give her a chance to act, they simply shot. She fell down and smiled as death embraced her.
(There you go Luke, I hope you like it. If not too bad.)