We had made it unnoticed most of the way across town and into an abandoned warehouse that was supposed to be the rendesvous point were we supposed to hide. Something seemed different about this city in general. Ivar insisted he go in alone first and check in out.
I just sat down on a rock and looked at Johnson, in the light we had here I noticed he looked different somehow. I wasn't sure exactly what it was but he looked older. Then again I hadn't seen him in quite a while he could have just grown up a bit. He noticed me looking at him and smiled slightly.
He slowly made his way over to me and sat down beside me, "So Jessica, do you want to go out sometime and get something to eat?" He said it awkwardly and I could tell he was nervous.
I tried to let him down easy, "I'm sorry Johnson, Ivar and I got back together about a month ago. So no I don't think that would be a good idea."
I felt awful doing it he was totally crushed and I could tell, I wasn't quite sure why. Last time I'd seen him he'd had a thing for Rain. A dark figure approached and I shot to my feet and got ready to fight.
It was a woman carrying a man over her shoulder, she resembled Cali.
"Who are you?" I demanded. "Tell me quickly or I'll burn you."
"You don't recognize me?" She looked puzzled for a moment and then she appeared to realize something. "Oh right. It's me, Kindra."
"Kindra is a little girl," I insisted. "You are much closer to my age."
I was about to attack when she raised a hand, "Wait I can prove it. You are Jessica, your power is fire and you are..." She looked at Johnson and paused as if trying to appraise him like a merchant would appraise a piece of merchandise. She gently put the other man down and walked closer to Johnson. "Your power makes it difficult to see you Johnson Taber. Your father is Victor right?"
Johnson was entranced by her, I must say even I was a little jealous now that I got a better look at her. He smiled weakly, his upset of being crushed by me passing in a moment and I rolled my eyes.
She nodded, "Mist, you have control of mist but there is something else, you gave part of your powers away. To your father? He wanted to keep you safe from the people he works for."
Johnson started to get a little upset but she placed a hand on his lips and said, "Everything your father has ever done has been for you, whether or not you agree with his choices he has thought it in your best interest. My father would disagree but he is a good man just on a confused and jumbled path."
Ivar walked out of the building and I had to jump in the way to stop him from attacking Kindra.
"It's Kindra," I told him. He didn't look convinced and I continued, "She knows all about Johnson. Things I didn't even know and I doubt you knew. That was one of the powers she was just breaking into last we saw her but to be on this level..."
"You mean you haven't been here this whole time?" She asked. "Where have you been?"
"We were taken to the past after the attack and brought back," Ivar said. "How long have we been missing?"
"A year," She shook her head. "I've had to do things, be something I'm not proud of. You left me in prison for a full year. Six months of it I spent in total isolation. Why didn't you come get me sooner!"
She was looking control of her emotions and Johnson motioned inside, "If it's clear we should get inside."
I put my arm around Kindra and whispered gently in her ear, "We just got back tonight Kindra. We didn't even know you'd been captured until you just told us."
She just cried on my shoulder, I guided her inside and found a bed for her and let her cry herself to sleep on my shoulder. I laid her head down on the pillow and walked out into the main area.
Ivar and Johnson were waiting for me. Ivar was evidently taking charge, "The facility is intact, the defenses are intact, but there in no food. By the general look of the place I say someone was living here and left in a hurry, probably so the place wouldn't be discovered. It was fairly recent too."
Johnson nodded, "I'll stay here and watch over them, you to go find food and bring it back. They'll wake up hungry if they've been in prison. That food probably isn't very good."
I shook my head, "I don't know how much has changed Johnson, we can't go out. Yours is the only face they aren't looking for. Besides remember what Kindra said? Your power makes it hard to see you, that goes for their searchers as well. If you did it on purpose I'm sure you would be invisible."
He looked uncertain but finally shrugged, "Whatever. If I don't come back don't blame me."
Ivar shook his head, "I'll go with him."
"Then that leaves me to tidy things up while you are gone I guess," I sighed. I really didn't want to clean but my face really would be known, the most wanted list isn't something that goes away in a year.
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oops A person who can't be seen with a person who can be seen. a little counter productive, unless johnson can use his powers on someone else