now Mantas Victor was contiously using his mist chacra to hide himself, "hopefully they don't notice me >_<
---Normal Victor---
Victor was looking out the airplain window wishing... no more of bogging himslef down. he hated having time to think. normally he had his job to take up most of his time and thats how he was able to cope with the lose of his son a year ago. though the things kindra said and her visions had to be lies. his son was already dead. the CDC couldn't have (in the future) killed his boy in frunt of his eyes.
"well it'll be all over soon." MB conforted, though Victor assumed it was more toward his greifs then Victors.
Victor "what'll be? wait it isn't that knew girl I've heard so much about."
MB recoiled in imbarassment "how did-wait I've told no one!"
Victor "you did, just now... that and I've been reading your mail"
MB shoved victor and began to pout. not wanting to give any more hints away. I hate it when he gets all chummy, its like he can't stand having two sombermoments in his life!
"come ooooon!" Victor pleaded "just tell me who she is."
MB maintained his caccon of info. "don't make me check out the camera loggs" :P
MB knowing he would not win this fight, in his deffence he began to concoct an evil plan so milicious it would make Victor pause. MB cakled then with an evil grin on his face said "I'll tell you Victor if, you go on one date.
Victor "... ... not cool"
MB snirked as he knew he had won, oh victory was sweet asspecially against Victor. for some reason he charrished that more then anything. he admitted it was a weird quork but he still grined just the same.
"I'll DO IT!"
the little mousie can't be there, he teleports in, it's not anywhere near the other places luke, hence i am deleting it
ReplyDeletebtw victor does not have mist powers, he didn't get that from his son
ReplyDeletethere both based in mist. remember the opening pictures, misty.
ReplyDeleteanyhow the alter-net Victors were there just to gather info and help anyone who can convince to give the info too
oh also the main Victor can Die now.
ReplyDeletethat could be bad i was thinking about killing the critter victors...